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Messages - LFnuffer

Pages: [1]
Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Can\'t install lib_compat
« on: March 23, 2004, 04:35:00 pm »
heathkit - where would one locate the compat libraries?

Thanks for the quick reply lardman.  Umm.. Next question.  How do I use the compat-libs applet?

With some help, I was able to start playing with some of the various ROMs available for my 5600.  So far, my favorite is the Openzaurus ROM, available at

It seems a lot more configurable than the Sharp ROM, and once I got past the system events scrolling across the screen, I found the appearance to be much more pleasing.  Additionally, I felt that the included apps were better.

Only one issue.  I can\'t seem to make java work.  I installed Jeode from

Now the evm binary exists.  How do I execute java programs with it?


L. Fred Nuffer

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Location for useable
« on: March 23, 2004, 03:20:26 am »
Thanks freizughiet and wolman.  I was able to get in and start playing with alternate ROMs.


Angstrom & OpenZaurus / Location for useable
« on: March 21, 2004, 11:55:21 pm »
Hello All,

I just acquired my Zaurus 5600.  I am currently attempting to locate and install some of the available ROMs for it.  However, the update procedure requires that be present on the root of the CF along with the ROM and kernel images.

Any idea where I can find a copy of  The one included in the Windows package on the CD-ROM doesn\'t work.  

Any help is appreciated.

On another note - I am also attempting to use many of the games available for the Zaurus, but I keep running into an issue.  Most seem to require the SDL library.  I installed SDL 1.2.6 cvs, but the games that use it still won\'t run.  Any ideas?


L. Fred Nuffer

Pages: [1]