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Messages - obscurite

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NYC / Are there any meetings still held in NYC?
« on: October 06, 2004, 11:43:24 am »

Hi. I'm a long time 5500 user, about to receive a new C860. I'm a software developer, unix user, and I love tiny devices. I'd like to help organize a NYC ZUG meeting... Can we start a mailing list or yahoo group? Please message me your contact info and I will send invites.

Reply on this forum if you're alive and in NYC with a Z and want to get some use out of it, or share tips/software with friendly neighbors!


Deals and Great Z Buys / Rocks
« on: October 06, 2004, 11:07:57 am »
I ordered my C860 for $552 (all inclusive). Should have it next week (or hopefully before). $200 - 300 cheaper than, but of course, you have to pay your own shipping when it breaks and needs repair, which is covered by Dynamism. Still -- worth the savings to me. Also got a 1GB Kingmax SD card for about $90, free 2nd day UPS from zipzoomfly, although I've seen cheaper prices posted before.


Zaurus - pdaXrom / FreenoteQT vs pdaXrom. Tough call?
« on: October 06, 2004, 10:41:23 am »
Thanks for the replies. I'm going to try Cacko and pdaXrom and decide which suits my needs better. Since FreenoteQT is the most exciting app to me, I may well end up running Cacko + Xqt (or whatever it is that lets you run X apps) until I can get it or something similar running under pdaXrom.

There have been other threads on note-taking apps, here's my list of known apps. Chime in if you know of another and have specific reccomendations.

FreenoteQT - best suited for taking lecture notes because of huge freeform canvas
IQNotes - good outliner note taker, but costs $20
notez - text only note pad
drawpad - a sketch pad type app
justmemo - dont know much about it
stageone - outliner note taker, commercial
tkcmemo - memo pad


Cxx0 General discussions / Just ordered C860 from pricejapan
« on: October 06, 2004, 10:17:56 am »
Hi everyone. I've just ordered a C860 from for $552 all-inclusive. (paypal CC, EMS shipping to NY, NY). I also ordered a 1GB 60x Kingmax SD card from ZipZoomFly.

I am also the proud owner of a 5500, which I used for several years and which still works.

Besides daydreaming of my new C860, does anyone have any suggestions for things I should do in the meantime while my unit is shipping? Any vital accessories, software, etc. that I should be looking into?

A non-leather case would be great, and I've seen some nice stylus replacements (, nice cases (, and a cool USB sync/charge cable out there.

I'm mostly looking forward to FreenoteQT, but pdaXrom seems to have some nice software and I know FreenoteQT won't run on pdaXrom because of QT incompatibilities. I'm also looking forward to running some kind of x86/dos emulation (probably freedos on pdaXrom or Xqt)... anyway, I have no idea what I'm talking about so take this with a grain of salt.  

Can't wait to start using and (time permitting), developing some software.


Zaurus - pdaXrom / FreenoteQT vs pdaXrom. Tough call?
« on: October 05, 2004, 05:24:27 pm »
Hello. I'm about to buy a C860 from Dynamism.

I'm a little concerned, because I want to run the best rom (apprently pdaXrom), but I also want desperately to run FreenoteQT ( As a software developer with some C++ and QT experience, I plan on trying to help with FreenoteQT development if I end up using it alot, and if I can understand the code.

With pdaXrom, it seems you have to port apps to get them to work, where they would normally work fine on the stock/cacko roms.

1) I would like to be able to contribute code/fixes/etc to the pdaXrom code base
2) I would like to have a clear path to porting apps to pdaXrom such as FreenoteQT should I want to do that

I took a look at the pdaXrom site and didn't see any source available - is this a closed source project? Sorry if the answer is obvious.

Thanks for your help in advance!


PS. Please feel free contact me directly if you use FreenoteQT extensively on a clamshell zaurus, particularly if you got it to run on pdaXrom! We can compare notes and have our own note-taking mini user group  Thanks.

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