I've installed the latest firmwares ( debian and root OREO ) from planet site.
After this, I've noticed that my saved wireless connections are lost after boot.( in debian ).
They worked fine, but when I reboot the gemini PDA, I have to select my network and fill again the password.
Tried Connman, network-manager and the error persists. When botting again, I have to select again my wireless SSID and fill the password.
Looked inside /var/lib/connman and my network is saved there.
Also another problem : I' ve compiled a modular kernel and when flashing my gemini PDA with this kernel, it not boots under debian. Also tried another old kernels from planet that was saved in the past and the same occurs ( not booting into debian ). Only works with the suplied latest kernel.
So, what is the .config file in this kernel or another configuration is needed ? what is wrong ?
Thank you so much !
[Thread moved from the New Members validation forum. Varti]
deleted linux. I am only with android OREO now. Thank you all.
Giving up a bit fast...
sudo apt install gemian-modular-kernel; apt install gemian-modular-kernel-headers
and following the instructions would have done...
Wifi works for me...
Installed again linux.
Installed ( already installed the modular kernel ).
Changed the 3.41.18 to 3.41.18+ in /lib/modules to reflect the name of kernel. LDCONFIG. But when I try to insert any module ( modprobe for example usbserial ) a message appears that this funtcion is not implemented. Git hub on the source kernel and compiled only the modules for the latest kernel . Again the same message appears. Compiled another kernel, but when flashed this kernel, gemini won' t boot. Only with supplied kernel . So this is a problem.
About wifi it is working and saving connections. Maybe some files I have installed to compile solve this.
If someone can help,please let me know.
A modular kernel that I can't load any module doesn't help.
Thank you alll
Config for the kernel is https://github.com/gemian/gemini-linux-kern...dular_defconfig
Function not implemented looks like you have flashed a kernel without module support. The "+" reflects changes with respect to the git repo. This also affects module version magic. So a kernel without + cannot load a module with +. You can git rid of the + by editing include/generated/utsrelease.h @see: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3383919...ge-causes-error .
Pleas go more into detail. Have you installed the modular kernel package? Afterwards have you dd'd the kernel to the right partition (depending on your scatter file)? I.e.:
dd if=/usr/share/kernel/linux-boot.img of=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/boot
Important: Depending on your setup output can be boot, boot1, boot2 or boot3.
What are you trying to accomplish? Do you really want to build an own kernel or do you just want to have a module? If it is the latter see the post at: https://www.mygnu.de/2019/04/modular-kernel...ian-repository/
I've installed the modular kernel ( it is the default install when flashing the latest image of debian ).
I've installed the kernel-headers also.
The modules are not loadable since in /lib/modules there is a folder 3.18.41 ( withoout + ). So I've changed it to 3.41.18+ and depmod - a . But when loading a module the message mentioned that this function is not implemented appears.
So, I decided to compile the modules from github. Now the folder inside /lib/modules is 3.18.41+. But when loading the modules ( modprobe ) the same message appears.
So, I've decided to compile my onwn version of kernel, but the kernel doesn't boot as explained.
My partition is correct ( boot2 ) . the debian boot image is placed in the correct partition.
When I had the older android ( 7) with my own kernel and my own modules compiled and a scatter file ( old ) everything was working.
These problems are with the latest oreo firmware and the latest firmware debian and the latest scatter file from gemini site .
Remind that the kernel is with + sign ( 3.18.41+ ) and in the /lib/modules the folder is 3.18.41 ( without + ). ( this is the default installation without any modifications ). Both would have to reflect the same number.
Thank you again