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Messages - cam1965

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Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 31, 2019, 11:35:20 am »
Quote from: flotsam
Quote from: cam1965
Quote from: flotsam
I can't say that I've followed this whole thread, but any chance that this is related to my problem? Does your MAC address change with reboots?

In android,  my wifi saved connections are OK.
In debian I've  checked and at  every boot I have to choose my SSID network and  re-enter my password again.
I've checked the mac address in debian and it really changes at every boot.
Will check later in google if there is a solution for this.
Thank you again.

Sounds like the same problem. Nice to know I'm not the only one suffering from it. So multi-boot is broken, at least for some of us. Anyone from Planet Computers want to chip in?
In android I've did a reset in networlk settings . Because my mac address was 02:00:00:00:00:00. After this,  it has  changed .
But in debian the problem persists.
I will test with the new kernel ( please see above )  if the problem persists. But I think it is not related to the kernel.
I will search again on the google . If I found a solution I will return here. Now I am at work and I will check this problem  only at night ( about more 8 hours ).

Thank you again.

Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 31, 2019, 11:33:14 am »
Quote from: mibry
Quote from: cam1965
Quote from: mithrandir
Quote from: cam1965
As I said , I think Planet has changed , because every another kernel that I flashed didn't boot on gemini . The last was compiled perfectly, but for some reasons it didn't boot. Only the kernel provided inside the debian image can boot gemini. Also I've tested the kernel from the repository ( not the modular ) and it installs perfectly . No need to dd, because it automatically detects the correct partition. Reinstalled again the modular kernel . The partition is correct. ( boot2 ) . I've checked this. But I've also did a test with the manual dd at the correct partition and only the kernel provided from planet boots gemini.

follow the results of /cat/cmdline attached.
Please, contact planet and tell me how are the steps to compile his kernel. Because I've compiled the kernel modules from the source kernel ( they are also with + sign ) , but I can' t load any module as I said before .Also when I do lsmod ( with my modules compiled ) an error appears saying libkmod error , etc ... and could not open /proc/modules.
Thank you again

From your cmdline you appear to have an unmodified bootloader, so there is no way the kernel package could detect the right boot partition. Otherwise there would be a bootpartition entry in the cmdline. Unless the method of partition detection has changed (@Adam: Has it?), manual flashing with dd is necessary.

Thank you .
As I said I am using the default installation from Planet. ( debian and android oreo images ). Fresh install ( flashed ).
I think something has changed. I also did manual  flashing with dd ( kernel ) and only the kernel from debian image boots gemini.
Thank you again.

I also reflashed my gemini with the new debian image from planet support website and had the same kernel as cam1965. I did a dd of the linux-boot.img kernel image in /usr/share/kernel and was able to boot into debian. I also notice before I flashed the image I had the same kernel version as cam1965. The kernel version has now changed to 3.18.41 without the + at the end.

Problem solved.
Thank you so much.
Now almost everything is fine.
Only the problem of mac address changing after every boot. ( in debian )

Thank you again.

Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 31, 2019, 09:37:33 am »
Quote from: mithrandir
Quote from: cam1965
As I said , I think Planet has changed , because every another kernel that I flashed didn't boot on gemini . The last was compiled perfectly, but for some reasons it didn't boot. Only the kernel provided inside the debian image can boot gemini. Also I've tested the kernel from the repository ( not the modular ) and it installs perfectly . No need to dd, because it automatically detects the correct partition. Reinstalled again the modular kernel . The partition is correct. ( boot2 ) . I've checked this. But I've also did a test with the manual dd at the correct partition and only the kernel provided from planet boots gemini.

follow the results of /cat/cmdline attached.
Please, contact planet and tell me how are the steps to compile his kernel. Because I've compiled the kernel modules from the source kernel ( they are also with + sign ) , but I can' t load any module as I said before .Also when I do lsmod ( with my modules compiled ) an error appears saying libkmod error , etc ... and could not open /proc/modules.
Thank you again

From your cmdline you appear to have an unmodified bootloader, so there is no way the kernel package could detect the right boot partition. Otherwise there would be a bootpartition entry in the cmdline. Unless the method of partition detection has changed (@Adam: Has it?), manual flashing with dd is necessary.

Thank you .
As I said I am using the default installation from Planet. ( debian and android oreo images ). Fresh install ( flashed ).
I think something has changed. I also did manual  flashing with dd ( kernel ) and only the kernel from debian image boots gemini.
Thank you again.

Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 31, 2019, 08:35:24 am »
Quote from: flotsam
I can't say that I've followed this whole thread, but any chance that this is related to my problem? Does your MAC address change with reboots?

In android,  my wifi saved connections are OK.
In debian I've  checked and at  every boot I have to choose my SSID network and  re-enter my password again.
I've checked the mac address in debian and it really changes at every boot.
Will check later in google if there is a solution for this.
Thank you again.

Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 31, 2019, 05:46:30 am »
Quote from: mithrandir
Since the build date is wrong, there are three possibilities:
1. Planet has changed something we are not aware of with the new image, as Adam told
2. You have flashed the kernel to the wrong partition
3. You have left out the manual dd step (if necessary with your setup) after installing the modular kernel package. (more details on this in the mygnu link above)

To see if the kernel should have been flashed automatically, please provide the output of:

cat /proc/cmdline

As I said , I think Planet has changed , because every another kernel that I flashed didn't boot on gemini . The last was compiled perfectly, but for some reasons it didn't boot. Only the kernel provided inside the debian image can boot gemini. Also I've tested the kernel from the repository ( not the modular ) and it installs perfectly . No need to dd, because it automatically detects the correct partition. Reinstalled again the modular kernel . The partition is correct. ( boot2 ) . I've checked this. But I've also did a test with the manual dd at the correct partition and only the kernel provided from planet boots gemini.

follow the results of /cat/cmdline attached.
Please, contact planet and tell me how are the steps to compile his kernel. Because I've compiled the kernel modules from the source kernel ( they are also with + sign ) , but I can' t load any module as I said before .Also when I do lsmod ( with my modules compiled ) an error appears saying libkmod error , etc ... and could not open /proc/modules.
Thank you again

Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 31, 2019, 05:32:38 am »
Quote from: Adam Boardman
Just to point out that the new image from planet might not have come with the kernel built from the build server (hence the '+' confusion?). The dates on the attached screen shots indicate you might not booting a modular kernel at all. Because the scatter file based image distribution has the boot image separate and the apt based kernel distribution leaves the final step of 'dd' flashing to the user its entirely possible to have them come from different places.

Given that when you switch to a build server built or locally built kernel it fails to boot it could be worth unpacking the planet supplied ones contents to see if Nikita/Davide* have changed the contents of the initramfs geminipda script, or the kernel. We might need to tweak its contents to make it compatible with whatever they have changed.

I never got around to upgrading to 8.1 as I don't use android and flashing stopped working so it requires me to 'need to get it working' before I'll get round to fixing that. I'm away this week so won't be able to properly investigate this myself just now.

* - or just email and ask them

I think Planet has changed , because every another kernel that I flashed didn't boot on gemini . The last was compiled perfectly, but for some reasons it didn't boot. Only the kernel provided inside the debian image can boot gemini.
Thank you again

Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 30, 2019, 06:51:02 pm »
Quote from: cam1965
Quote from: mithrandir
Quote from: cam1965
Hi, I am at work  without my gemini.
Later at night ( more  6 hours  when I arrive at home )  I will put here the results, but I am pretty  sure  that  the output has a + signal at the end. ( when I initially posted here I did this command ).
I will confim this  later.
latest firmware are here : ( date -- 2019 - may 16 )
But I did all updates after the first  flash.

Thank you.
Please also give the output of:
 dpkg -l|grep "\-kernel"

later I will provide this also ( when I arrive at home ).
Thank you again.

print screen attached with informations.
Thank you.

Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 30, 2019, 04:45:48 pm »
Quote from: mithrandir
Quote from: cam1965
Hi, I am at work  without my gemini.
Later at night ( more  6 hours  when I arrive at home )  I will put here the results, but I am pretty  sure  that  the output has a + signal at the end. ( when I initially posted here I did this command ).
I will confim this  later.
latest firmware are here : ( date -- 2019 - may 16 )
But I did all updates after the first  flash.

Thank you.
Please also give the output of:
 dpkg -l|grep "\-kernel"

later I will provide this also ( when I arrive at home ).
Thank you again.

Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 30, 2019, 01:28:14 pm »
Quote from: mithrandir
Quote from: cam1965
I've installed the modular kernel ( it is the default install when flashing the latest image of debian ).
I've installed the kernel-headers also.
The modules are not loadable since in /lib/modules there is a  folder 3.18.41 ( withoout + ). So I've changed it to 3.41.18+ and depmod - a . But when loading a module the message  mentioned that this function is not implemented appears.
So, I decided to compile the modules from github. Now the folder inside /lib/modules  is 3.18.41+. But when loading the modules ( modprobe ) the same message appears.
So, I've decided to compile my onwn version of kernel, but the kernel doesn't boot as explained.
My partition is correct ( boot2 ) . the debian boot image is placed in the correct partition.
When I had the older android ( 7) with my own kernel and my own modules compiled and a scatter file ( old )  everything was working.
These problems are with the latest oreo firmware and the latest firmware debian and the latest scatter file from gemini site .
Remind that the kernel is with + sign ( 3.18.41+ ) and in the /lib/modules the folder is 3.18.41 ( without + ). ( this is the default installation without any modifications ). Both would have to reflect the same number.
Thank you again
It is really strange that your kernel has the + appended. The latest kernel from the repository should not have it. What is the output of uname -a ?
Build date should be Fri May 24 19:53:00.

Hi, I am at work  without my gemini.
Later at night ( more  6 hours  when I arrive at home )  I will put here the results, but I am pretty  sure  that  the output has a + signal at the end. ( when I initially posted here I did this command ).
I will confim this  later.
latest firmware are here : ( date -- 2019 - may 16 )
But I did all updates after the first  flash.

Thank you.

Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 30, 2019, 11:42:50 am »
Quote from: mithrandir
Quote from: cam1965
Quote from: mithrandir
Quote from: cam1965
Quote from: cam1965
I've installed the latest firmwares ( debian and root OREO ) from planet site.
After this, I've noticed that my saved wireless connections are lost after boot.( in debian ).
They worked fine, but when I reboot the gemini PDA, I have to select my network and fill again the password.
Tried Connman, network-manager and the error persists. When botting again, I have to select again my wireless SSID and fill the password.
Looked inside /var/lib/connman and my network is saved there.
Also another problem  :  I' ve compiled a modular kernel and when flashing my gemini PDA with this kernel, it not boots under debian. Also tried another old kernels from planet that  was  saved  in the past and the same occurs ( not booting into debian ). Only works with the suplied latest kernel.
So, what is the .config file in this kernel or another configuration is needed ?  what is wrong ?
Thank you so much !

[Thread moved from the New Members validation forum. Varti]

deleted linux. I am only with android OREO now. Thank you all.

Giving up a bit fast...
sudo apt install gemian-modular-kernel; apt install gemian-modular-kernel-headers
and following the instructions would have done...
Wifi works for me...

Installed again linux.
Installed ( already installed the modular kernel ).
Changed the 3.41.18 to 3.41.18+  in /lib/modules to reflect the name of kernel. LDCONFIG. But when I try to insert any module ( modprobe for example usbserial ) a message appears that this funtcion is not implemented. Git hub on the source kernel and compiled only the modules for the latest kernel . Again the same message appears. Compiled another kernel, but when flashed this kernel, gemini won' t boot. Only with supplied kernel . So this is a problem.
About wifi it is working and saving connections. Maybe some files I have installed  to compile solve this.
If someone can help,please let me know.
A modular kernel that I can't load any module doesn't help.
Thank you alll

Config for the kernel is

Function not implemented looks like you have flashed a kernel without module support. The "+" reflects changes with respect to the git repo. This also affects module version magic. So a kernel without + cannot load a module with +. You can git rid of the + by editing include/generated/utsrelease.h @see: .

Pleas go more into detail. Have you installed the modular kernel package? Afterwards have you dd'd the kernel to the right partition (depending on your scatter file)? I.e.:
dd if=/usr/share/kernel/linux-boot.img of=/dev/disk/by-partlabel/boot
Important: Depending on your setup output can be boot, boot1, boot2 or boot3.

What are you trying to accomplish? Do you really want to build an own kernel or do you just want to have a module? If it is the latter see the post at:


I've installed the modular kernel ( it is the default install when flashing the latest image of debian ).
I've installed the kernel-headers also.
The modules are not loadable since in /lib/modules there is a  folder 3.18.41 ( withoout + ). So I've changed it to 3.41.18+ and depmod - a . But when loading a module the message  mentioned that this function is not implemented appears.
So, I decided to compile the modules from github. Now the folder inside /lib/modules  is 3.18.41+. But when loading the modules ( modprobe ) the same message appears.
So, I've decided to compile my onwn version of kernel, but the kernel doesn't boot as explained.
My partition is correct ( boot2 ) . the debian boot image is placed in the correct partition.
When I had the older android ( 7) with my own kernel and my own modules compiled and a scatter file ( old )  everything was working.
These problems are with the latest oreo firmware and the latest firmware debian and the latest scatter file from gemini site .
Remind that the kernel is with + sign ( 3.18.41+ ) and in the /lib/modules the folder is 3.18.41 ( without + ). ( this is the default installation without any modifications ). Both would have to reflect the same number.
Thank you again

Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 30, 2019, 08:02:31 am »
Quote from: mithrandir
Quote from: cam1965
Quote from: cam1965
I've installed the latest firmwares ( debian and root OREO ) from planet site.
After this, I've noticed that my saved wireless connections are lost after boot.( in debian ).
They worked fine, but when I reboot the gemini PDA, I have to select my network and fill again the password.
Tried Connman, network-manager and the error persists. When botting again, I have to select again my wireless SSID and fill the password.
Looked inside /var/lib/connman and my network is saved there.
Also another problem  :  I' ve compiled a modular kernel and when flashing my gemini PDA with this kernel, it not boots under debian. Also tried another old kernels from planet that  was  saved  in the past and the same occurs ( not booting into debian ). Only works with the suplied latest kernel.
So, what is the .config file in this kernel or another configuration is needed ?  what is wrong ?
Thank you so much !

[Thread moved from the New Members validation forum. Varti]

deleted linux. I am only with android OREO now. Thank you all.

Giving up a bit fast...
sudo apt install gemian-modular-kernel; apt install gemian-modular-kernel-headers
and following the instructions would have done...
Wifi works for me...

Installed again linux.
Installed ( already installed the modular kernel ).
Changed the 3.41.18 to 3.41.18+  in /lib/modules to reflect the name of kernel. LDCONFIG. But when I try to insert any module ( modprobe for example usbserial ) a message appears that this funtcion is not implemented. Git hub on the source kernel and compiled only the modules for the latest kernel . Again the same message appears. Compiled another kernel, but when flashed this kernel, gemini won' t boot. Only with supplied kernel . So this is a problem.
About wifi it is working and saving connections. Maybe some files I have installed  to compile solve this.
If someone can help,please let me know.
A modular kernel that I can't load any module doesn't help.
Thank you alll

Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 29, 2019, 05:11:52 am »
Quote from: cam1965
I've installed the latest firmwares ( debian and root OREO ) from planet site.
After this, I've noticed that my saved wireless connections are lost after boot.( in debian ).
They worked fine, but when I reboot the gemini PDA, I have to select my network and fill again the password.
Tried Connman, network-manager and the error persists. When botting again, I have to select again my wireless SSID and fill the password.
Looked inside /var/lib/connman and my network is saved there.
Also another problem  :  I' ve compiled a modular kernel and when flashing my gemini PDA with this kernel, it not boots under debian. Also tried another old kernels from planet that  was  saved  in the past and the same occurs ( not booting into debian ). Only works with the suplied latest kernel.
So, what is the .config file in this kernel or another configuration is needed ?  what is wrong ?
Thank you so much !

[Thread moved from the New Members validation forum. Varti]

deleted linux. I am only with android OREO now. Thank you all.

Gemini PDA - Linux / Problems latest firmware
« on: May 28, 2019, 02:31:46 pm »
I've installed the latest firmwares ( debian and root OREO ) from planet site.
After this, I've noticed that my saved wireless connections are lost after boot.( in debian ).
They worked fine, but when I reboot the gemini PDA, I have to select my network and fill again the password.
Tried Connman, network-manager and the error persists. When botting again, I have to select again my wireless SSID and fill the password.
Looked inside /var/lib/connman and my network is saved there.
Also another problem  :  I' ve compiled a modular kernel and when flashing my gemini PDA with this kernel, it not boots under debian. Also tried another old kernels from planet that  was  saved  in the past and the same occurs ( not booting into debian ). Only works with the suplied latest kernel.
So, what is the .config file in this kernel or another configuration is needed ?  what is wrong ?
Thank you so much !

[Thread moved from the New Members validation forum. Varti]

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