For Sale: Zaurus 750c and extras
750 c
512mb scandisk SD card
4gig Hitachi CF card
Wifi CF card (symbol)
Extended battery, with case adapter
Auto power supply
Some non-free apps (will include registration codes)
I bought this past summer, use it less than I'd like. The zaurus is in good shape- it's been used, but it isn't scrached. I have the original box for it. Currently has cacko on it. I'm advertising it here first as it's friendlier than ebay. I'll ship where ever, but CA and US are easiest. I'll take paypal. I'm not putting a price on things as I'd like to sell it as a package and I think people know what it's worth. I'll probably put it up on ebay if nobody grabs it here.
You can message me through this, or reach me at my name (arthur) +
I will be happy to provide pictures. I'm realizing I might not know where the ac adapter is (I only use the car adapter because I'm always on the road). If I can't find the origional, I will buy a substitute or knock 20 bucks of a fair price).