Are there any USB "keychain" dongles with open source drivers that can work in Wireless-G mode on a USB 1.1 bus? Even though the througput would be limited to below Wireless-B speeds, it is still usefull to have Wireless-G capabilities for scanning and G-only access points.
It shouldn't be very difficult to modify ZyDAS's driver to work on b/g even when on USB1,1 bus. How good it would work is a different question. I'm not sure about other g-capable wifi usb chipsets like Ralink's.
Monitoring mode is a bit flaky with ZyDAS, at least with the current drivers.
Would a bluetooth module operate at the same speed using btuart vs. USB? Does btuart mode support the same profiles as USB?
Using the "de-sharped" serial driver, PXA270 works fine @ 961200 baud. That seems to be more than enough to cover BT 1.1 througput, even with BCSP packets overhead.
If you need 2.0 EDR speeds, you'll have to use usb.
As far as profiles go, they are implemented in modules' HCI firmware and in HCI bluetooth stack, so it's not interface-dependant.
Could anyone provide a simplified connection diagram for those who are capable solderers, but do not posses the electronics knowledge? I wish to perform the USB OTG Power Domain and btuart bluetooth mods. The extra power would either go towards the external USB port or an internal wifi module (provided I can make space for one)
What diagram you are looking for? For USB OTG power regulator all you need is just to replace one resistor. It's pictured on my page. For BTUART to serial BT module connection just connect TX to TX, RX to RX and if you need hardware flow control - CTS to CTS and RTS to RTS. Also connect VCC and GROUND to power module up. If module has a TTL-level RESET input, you can implement resetting circuit via some GPIO line.