Yea ... I've already approzimated the Z to absorb around 225mA (under light use like mp3 playback) 1800/8=225 (I can get around 8 hours mp3 playback).
Ooops I think I did som bad calculation .... this is some better calculation:
So lowering the duration to 2 hours 40 mins would mean that the 3 times more current is drawn ...
so 225 for Z and 450 to wifi ...
but as I asid befor 450 seems to much for the bouncing stuff before the mod ... so I would expect accurate timing to be over 3 hours.
I'm not to fussed about what's happening right now with 2.6.16 because I hope pdaxrom will soon have a 2.6.21 or above kernel.
Anyway looking at dmesg i see some pxa27x-ohci messages when I insert the usb dongle ... but pxa27x-ohci is not module ... maybe a little tweeging in the /sys tree might get it working anyway. It's not an issue for me right now but I'm attaching the dmesg anyway.
Ok I now have the step 1) done ... but step 2) is scheduled ... so even if the hub I intend to sacrifice for the step 2) cannot manage usb-storage I still like to have internal wireless (which works fine with that hub) ...
Step 2) is not scheduled in the near future because first I want to reach a satisfactory stability on my Z without sacrifising flexibility (that's why I stick with pdaxrom ... what the hel I've recently become a pdaxrom devel).
Here's what lsusb produces:
# lsusb
Unknown line at line 5924
Unknown line at line 5925
Unknown line at line 5926
Unknown line at line 5927
Unknown line at line 5928
Unknown line at line 5929
Unknown line at line 5930
Unknown line at line 5931
Unknown line at line 5932
Unknown line at line 5933
Unknown line at line 5934
Unknown line at line 5935
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 1131:1001 Integrated System Solution Corp. KY-BT100 Bluetooth Adapter
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 0000:0000
You can see that the bluetooth module is inserted (and I'm actually using it to ssh to Z and get the output to paste it here ... look at my bluetooth management helper script on my home page:
blue ... I've recently made the scanning feature more pawerfull then plain "hcitoo scan")
BTW: there is another things that makes estimation harder ... the 225mA I estimated is with LCD backlight off (mp3 playback with lid closed) ... while the wifi usb dongle measurements are made with the LCD on .... and the LCD power consumption is not negligable (the battery juice can vary upto, and maybe more then, 10% pretty much instantly between LCD on or off)