Hi there ! I'll give you some answers, being myself amazed by the new RC10.
There is a kind of bug in ipkg that causes it to ignore the -dest argument. As a result, any package installed in console mode by ipkg will be stored in root and that's no good, since there is barely enough place to keep the symlinks when you have some big progs (ie xfce, kde, thunderbird, firefox, gimp & openoffice on the same SD like I do). To fix the problem, you could either use the package manager of pdaXrom and change the target of installations on the right top corner. You may also edit /etc/ipkg.conf : the first destination will always be used. Currently, yours should be / (ie root). You may edit the file so that /mnt/card or /mnt/cf comes first and it'll be installed there.
You should uninstall all the package you have already in root and reinstall them in your memory card (exept for the window manager, that should be stored in / or in /home, but with KDE you can hardly have it there). Then you should simply have a look at the pdaX feeds (they are on
http://www.pdaxrom.org/index.php?showid=42&menuid=11 ...) and download the programs you need. GCC, make and firefox are there. You may also compile for example scummvm from the source (it compiles without any change !) the latest version is really great ; with GCC 3 you can do almost anything since you have the X libs, most progs compile.