A different way to access debian:
* in the following, it assumes that your card is formatted using a unix friendly filesystem (ie ext2).
* /mnt/card is used because I install debian on a SD card, you need to change this if you install elsewhere.
STEP 1:Download either the "base" or the "big" Debian package from
http://pocketworkstation.org/files/ . The latest version is 0.18.
STEP 2:Since this is real big stuff, we can't put it in the main memory but must let a memory card take it instead.
Make sure that your card is of 256MB at least.
Let's get started.
Start a terminal session.
Switch to /mnt/card, and
create a new directory called "debroot" by
cd /mnt/card
mkdir debroot
(Press ENTER once after each line.)
STEP 3:Switch to this newly created debroot dir.
Put the debian package in this dir, and
extract it by:
tar -xvzpf zaurus-debian-*.tgz
This will take a few minutes. Just let it do its job. After this you'll see a whole bunch of files and dir created in /mnt/card/debroot.
STEP 4:Download the attach files, remove the .txt (it's just added so that I can upload the files there) and copy these in /usr/bin/
make them executable:
chmod +x /usr/bin/startdebian.sh
chmod +x /usr/bin/stopdebian.sh
chmod +x /usr/bin/Crd
(Press ENTER once after each line.)
edit this files to change /mnt/card to whatever you use
STEP 5:in a terminal run
This needs to be done only once, (ie everytime you reboot)
Optionnaly If you want to be able to access more than the sd card in debian copy the last 2 lines of
startdebian.sh and modify accordingly (ie replace /mnt/card by the path to the directory you want to be accessible in the debian chroot).
for instance if you want to access the cf cards add
mkdir -p ${DEBROOT}/mnt/cf
mount --rbind /mnt/cf ${DEBROOT}/mnt/cf
and in stopdebian.sh
umount ${DEBROOT}/mnt/cf
STEP 6:in a terminal:
Crd aterm
STEP 7:f you need to umount your card run stopdebian.sh
Don't run startdebian.sh stopdebian.sh everytime you want to launch an application.
(Yes I stole a part from Zdevil's post)
tell me if this works for you