Author Topic: Opera 7.30 and SL-C860  (Read 2163 times)


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Opera 7.30 and SL-C860
« on: February 25, 2004, 06:13:03 pm »
I just read the excellent article on pdabuyer\'s guide re: software for the Zaurus.  Downloaded the Opera package from IBM and installed it without a hitch.  However when I attempt to run it,  Opera only runs for a split second, long enough for me to see that the menu bar icons are simple white squares.  I did the linking suggested in the article - no help.  I am using the standard ROM from Dynamism (not yet ready to start  flashing ROMs).  Can anyone point me in the direction of a solution??

Thanks in advance.



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Opera 7.30 and SL-C860
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2004, 12:58:27 am »
Glad you liked the review! I\'ll be posting a review of several hardware accessories for the Z in a few weeks.

Sounds like creating the symlink didn\'t work.
I use the stock ROM on my Dynamism C860 and had the same problem you did until I created the link. You can type \"opera\" from the terminal to see if you get the message about it not being able to find several .ini files. If you do see those errors, then the problem is still the symlink.

in terminal log in as root (type \"su\" and hit the enter key).
type \"cd /usr/share\", then hit the enter key.
type \"ln -s /opt/QtPalmtop/opera opera\", then hit the enter key.
You shouldn\'t see any error messages if all was typed correctly. Do not include the quotes when entering the commands.
type \"exit\" to logout as root.
type \"exit\" to quit terminal (if you wish to do so).
Now Opera should run  



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Opera 7.30 and SL-C860
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2004, 02:15:58 pm »
PDAgal - thanks for taking the time to respond. Yep, I got the error messages.  I tried doing the linking again - the 860 said \"ln: opera: File exists\" ?????

Any advice on how to force/overwrite the existing link(s)? :?:


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Opera 7.30 and SL-C860
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2004, 05:28:30 pm »
i\'d first check just to make sure opera is a symlink by using ls at the command prompt.
Code: [Select]
# ls -l
in its parent directory.  the first character on the line should be an l (lowercase L).
after you verified that it is indeed a link, you can either use
Code: [Select]
# ln -fs {source} {link} - or -
Code: [Select]
# rm opera && ln -s {source} {link}
the -f will force the overwrite of the current link. the other line just deletes the link and creates a new link if the delete is successful.

good luck
c3100 running pdaXrom b3, ambicom wl1100, a 2nd 4 GB Hitachi microdrive (and various other tools and gadgets)


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Opera 7.30 and SL-C860
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2004, 07:18:00 pm »
i\'d first check just to make sure opera is a symlink by using ls at the command prompt.  
Code: [Select]
# ls -l
in its parent directory.  the first character on the line should be an l (lowercase L).
after you verified that it is indeed a link, you can either use  
Code: [Select]
# ln -fs {source} {link} - or -
Code: [Select]
# rm opera && ln -s {source} {link}
the -f will force the overwrite of the current link. the other line just deletes the link and creates a new link if the delete is successful.

good luck
Wbslngr - Thanks for the tips!  After I did a straight remove of the old link and then created the new one Opera worked.  Thanks again to you both
