Author Topic: Exporting Sharp Pim Data  (Read 2633 times)


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Exporting Sharp Pim Data
« on: March 02, 2006, 12:04:14 pm »
Hi All,

   I have been searching for some way of extracting the PIM data in my address book and diary which is stored in dtm format.  I have used dtm2xml, and have generated the raw xml data, but I am now unsure what to do with it.  I have tried loading it into Epiphany, but I get a comment about no style information associated with it.  I have also looked into DocBook, but all I can make out is that there should be dtd file available.  According to the xml file, this should be at but the site is not available...

Any suggestions?  BTW, I am using the last TKC rom before version 2 (Sorry, it is so long ago now, I have forgotten...) Kernel 2.4.18-rmk7-pxa3-emb and Qtopia 1.5.0.

