Think i got something here.
I looked into what karlto suggested about testing the lightnpower applet and found that it worked... always.... which didn't make any sense being that it's useing the same command "xset dpms"...
So, I looked at the lightnpower.py sript a little closer to see what it was doing different, and there is one difference. It execs two commands to xset (as far as I can understand, sense I'm not good with python(i think it is)
Something like this...
to disable suspend
#xset dpms * 0 0
#xset -dpms
(the '*' is the time you want the screen to shut off at, in seconds. This still works after you exec the "xset -dpms" command which, doesn't make much sense to me but it works, so... whatever)
and to enable it again
#xset +dpms
#xset dpms * 0 *
which works!!! (so far)
and therefore, my current work around is
killing off the Blanker utility and running this wrapper sript for xmms
Create an xmms wrapper file:
xmodmap /etc/X11/kb/xmms.xmodmap
/usr/X11R6/bin/xset dpms 30 0 0
/usr/X11R6/bin/xset -dpms
/usr/X11R6/bin/xset +dpms
/usr/X11R6/bin/xset dpms 120 0 360
xmodmap /etc/X11/kb/xmmsBack.xmodmap
I'm useing jgraves mp3 player hack/mod (my version of it)
mp3 player hack/mod I think thats understandable...
--MY $600 MP3 player!!!!