I've just thought of another advantage this is going to have for the OpenEmbedded community.
The biggest problem with the Universal is that the Phone/Modem doesn't work, because the Data protocol is unknown.
When our Phone ROM is built, it would make a good base for modification to create a replacement of the Proprietary phone ROM of the HTC Universal (XDA Exec) Because so far, From the XDA series, all the PDA code is being replaced by Open Source stuff, but the ROM for the Phone/Modem Processor (Usually also ARM based) is the same as under Windows. This could pave the way for a fully open-source XDA, too. ^^
The hardware list is NEARLY finalised (Just my last minute bickering and stupid ideas) so we need to consider the software for this.
Unless someone wants to finish either Qommunicator or Guylhem's ZeDialler, We'll need to use X or GPE for Gommunicator. I like GPE best, so that's good for me anyway. ^^;;
I assume we'll need to make a modification to GPELogin for the Fingerprint scan. . . Similarly, we'll need to make quite a few modifications to Gommunicator to handle redirecting to our various Audio IO. . . For which I still reccomend a Jack port. The audio recording guys (Like me) Will also love the coder who ports that full stop. (The best recording software on Linux uses Jack.) And for dealing with CallerID, as well as Bluetooth CID display (WatchPenguin, and the cool bluetooth headsets and other handsfree kits with displays on)
I think it's about time we started a second thread to discuss the two ROMS, bootloader, and preinstalled software.
Next person to have a comment, put it in a new "PocketPenguin software" Thread or something. DB, you ever ask for the special forum? Or should I?