Suggestions for assistance with the project....
(#) means the suggested amount of people doing the position
Web Developement (3)
Makes routine changes to site, wiki, etc
Python Developer (1 or 2)
Work on better'ing the system setting apps
(Date/time, CPU Overclocking, Networking Apps)
Kernel Developer(1)
This will in most cases be Sashz
Forum/IRC "Help Desk" (3-6)
A set few dedicated forum members that will have access to and learn the insides and outs of how everything work... so that the devs can worry more about developing the rom then answering questions
Bug Tracker Admin(1)
Tracks all bugs and prioritizes when each brought up bug and be fixed or plan out fixes for new releases...
Bug Debugger(1 or 2)
Figures out what is needed to fix a bug and coordinate with Sash and the rest of the DEV team on how he fixed the bug...
Release Manager (1)
Thanks to Laze... (I think that is what you do... Sorry if i'm wrong)
All teams coordinate with each other but sashz still is the center point of all development.
I by no mean am trying to call out for people to make this there fulltime position... but just help out with the community...
Let me know what everyone thinks about this... but no flaming from other ROM devs please...