Author Topic: 5600 Calendar Invalid Data When Syncing  (Read 2652 times)


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5600 Calendar Invalid Data When Syncing
« on: September 21, 2006, 02:17:45 am »
I've got a stock 5600, Sharp rom and it's been working flawlessly for longer than I can remember. I sync it using Intelisync to my Lotus Organizer several times a week.

Now all of a sudden, I get a message that the calendar has invalid data and to use the repair function of the Zaurus to fix it when I try to sync. I even tried syncing to the Qtopia Desktop with same error...

Umm, what repair function? Can't find any reference to anything like it? I have searched for days looking for any info on the calendar data and repairing it. No luck so far...

I may have the option of erasing everything and then re-syncing with the desktop, but I'd lose quite a bit of data doing that.

Does anyone have a clue as to what repair function the software is talking about? Does anyone know how to repair the calendar data? I found all the files in the dtm directory but can't do much with them.

As I said, this is all pretty much stock Sharp. Qtopia 1.5.4 with rom 1.32.

Yes I know there's better out there, but I like my Z just the way it is, or was anyway.

Thanks for any help...
SL-5600 Sharp v.1.32 ROM
CE-AG06 camera
Linksys WCF-12 wireless CF
D-Link DCF-660W wireless CF (dead!)
Sandisk 64meg SD, 256meg CF
Kingston 512meg CF
Viking 128meg SD, 1 gig CF