after some research I think I have finally understood how pdaXrom 1.1.0beta3 is constructed: openbox as the window manager and matchbox-* accessories (panel, applets etc.)
I looked for some configuration issues on the Intenret and found that matchbox (matchbox-window-manager) possibly would fit them.
Openbox, however, doesn't (it's lacking the respective command line options at least).
I saw there is a package "matchbox-window-manager" in the feeds, so now I am considering replacing openbox with matchbox-window-manager.
1. Is this the correct way (ie. have I understood the construction correctly)?
2. if I do the replacement, any pointers on what I have to change in config and startup files?
3. Why did the pdaXrom developers choose openbox instead of matchbox-window-manager? What's the advantage?
Thanks a lot!