This guy has a fully loaded K = 80gig HD and 1 GiG of ram. provides some benchmarks and copmarisons to other machines.....the performance is a bit dispapointing.....
Just as a summary, this baby is about 1/10th speed of an Intel Core Duo 1.66GHz machine (32-bit).
Khoji results at the end. Timing results are "how many per 5s interval +/- measuring errors, so allow 10/20% variance".
PERF3: 27 October 2002 14:21 v8.0.9a, AMD 750Mhz, Linux 2.4.19
1) loop Time: 5.01 545,000/sec
Mac OS X 10.1.5 PPC G3/500MHz gcc 2.95.2
PERF3: 5 December 2002 09:45 v8.0.9c
1) loop Time: 4.91 230,000/sec
Intel P4 2.53GHz Linux 2.4.20
PERF3: 29 July 2003 23:14 v8.1.2b
1) loop Time: 5.01 1,475,000/sec
Intel P3 1.2GHz, WinXP, CL .NET 7.00
PERF3: 19 April 2004 21:08 v9.0.3a
1) loop Time: 4.99 805,000/sec
Intel P3 1.2GHz, WinXP, CL 2003 7.10
PERF3: 19 April 2004 21:06 v9.0.3a
1) loop Time: 5.00 940,000/sec
Sun Ultra-10 440MHz solaris-10-sparc64
PERF3: 25 March 2006 09:37 v9.1.5a
1) loop Time: 4.99 170,000/sec
Sun Ultra-10 440MHz solaris-10-sparc64
PERF3: 25 March 2006 09:39 v9.1.5a
1) loop Time: 5.12 155,000/sec
Linux Intel Core Duo 1.66GHz 32 bit gcc-4.0.3
PERF3: 10 December 2006 14:05 v9.2.1c
1) loop Time: 4.97 1,030,000/sec
Khojinsa Windows XP - AMD Geode 500Mhz Visual Studio 2005 Express
PERF3: 10 December 2006 14:11 v9.2.1c
1) loop Time: 5.05 175,000/sec
He does clearly specify in the blog that
"I rarely notice the cpu speed issue, and the extra RAM avoids a few disk accesses."
This confuses me a little..... the P3 1.2 machine is approx 4.6X faster then the Khojinsa, but he rarely notices the cpu speed issue?
I have to get my hands on this to test it out myself.............
What is the community's thoughts?