Out of curiosity, is it absolutely out of the question to use OE to build pdaXrom? Not that i have anything against the current build system--It just seems that the current situation is this: pdaXrom provides a vary nice very popular system. Nice interface good packages, well integrated, etc. But it has a small dev team who seem rather overburdened. taking what pdaXrom has done, adding recipies to OE and continuing work on improving both systems would be a far better use of resources. been discussed before---but now maybe worth thinking about? Is it not possible to do? would it wreck one or the other system? Would it just be an annoyance to the pdax developers and end up with nothing but gpe? meanie might have some useful insight here, having worked with both systems extensively.
Anyway, i've generally been of the impression that pdaXrom is a better user experience, and that OZ is ultimately a more systematic, thus saner (if sometimes slower to handle device optimizations) building and development environment.
Not trying to start a flame here. just curious about the best way to continue as devs come and go....