Hi All,
I have a netgear ma701. My home network wifi ap uses wpa-psk2. Is this supported?
As since owning the zaurus I have not yet been able to find a wireless network.
Are only open networks supported? Or is WEP the only protocol supported on any ROM?
Are there any roms which support WPA-PSK2 and have an irc/web/email client.
Or is there something I should be doing to get wpa-psk2 to work in pdaXrom build 5.4.9.
Do a search for "wifi-radar" here in pdaxrom section. There are numerous posts as to how to get WiFi with WPA working.
Your netgear ma701 card should work, I think Meanie already has one, so some of the settings should already be included in pdaxii13.
Getting WiFi and WPA working is somewhat complex, but it has been done.
Most people that are having problems when trying to get WiFi working, open their AP when first trying to connect.
In other words, disable WPA on your home network first and try to connect. You'll probably need to look in one or more configuration files (on the zaurus) and find any instances of CF wifi cards that match the MANFID of your netgear ma701. Then disable these and enable the entry for your card (netgear ma701).
Once you can make a good connection with your Zaurus and your home network AP, then re-enable WPA and try to get "that" working.
wifi-radar is tricky, but there is a way to get WPA set up by using it.
Another problem i've found with pdaXrom both the beta3 version and pdaXii3 is that it seems to suspend and the only way to get it working is to restart.
I never had this issue with Cacko but I like the software installed by default on pdaXrom.
Any help appreciated.
In pdaxrom/pdaxii13 you need to use the "light & power" app under "settings" and either set suspend to a high number, or disable suspend altogether. There are 2 tabs. (battery and AC power). You need to adjust the "Suspend" and "screen off" in both of these tabs.
In pdaxrom/pdaxii13, whenever your screen goes off, just hit the "Home" button on the bottom of the keyboard. The screen should come back on in several seconds. This is also the "preferred" method to turn on pdaxrom/pdaxii13, as the power button is sometimes flaky.
Also if your Zaurus suspends and then doesn't come on after several seconds when pushing the "Home" key, try touching the screen with your stylus.
Another thing I forgot. pdaxrom/pdaxii13 behaves much differently than Cacko/Sharp when first turning on your Zaurus from suspend.
Cacko lights up instantly
pdaxrom/pdaxii13 takes about 7 seconds to light up. So if you think you have switched it on, just wait a few more seconds.