Author Topic: Minimo 2  (Read 3713 times)


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Minimo 2
« on: April 30, 2007, 05:42:40 pm »
There's an old ipk of Minimo floating around - it's not very good but as version 2 has now been released, I wondered if it was possible to compile it for pdaxrom?

There can never be too many browsers for pdaxrom


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Minimo 2
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2007, 11:02:11 pm »
There's an old ipk of Minimo floating around - it's not very good but as version 2 has now been released, I wondered if it was possible to compile it for pdaxrom?

There can never be too many browsers for pdaxrom
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minimo 0.2 was written for windows ce/mobile only. the developers thought that the windows look and feel was superior decided to make minimo windows specific. this means it will not compile on linux system since there are no equivalent windows apis on linux.
maybe once they got their windows only version of minimo2 stabilised and got some time on their hand, they will work on getting linux supported as well, but that's probably very unlikely. they probably will just continue on with minimo 0.3... minimo doesn't have such a good track record which is a big contrast to firefox...

you will be better off with firefox2 or osb-browser...
« Last Edit: May 03, 2007, 11:03:16 pm by Meanie »
SL-C3000 - pdaXii13 build5.4.9 (based on pdaXrom beta3) / SL-C3100 - Sharp ROM 1.02 JP (heavily customised)
Netgear MA701 CF, SanDisk ConnectPlus CF, Socket Bluetooth CF, 4GB Kingston CF,  4GB pqi SD, 4GB ChoiceOnly SD, 2GB SanDisk SD USB Plus, 1GB SanDisk USB Plus, 1GB Transcend SD, 2GB SanDisk MicroSD with SD adaptor, Piel Frama Leather Case, GoldX 5-in-1 USB cable, USB hub, USB mouse, USB keyboard, USB ethernet, USB HDD, many other USB accessories...
(Zaurus SL-C3000 owner since March 14. 2005, Zaurus SL-C3100 owner since September 21. 2005) - zBook3K


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Minimo 2
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2007, 12:38:09 am »
There's an old ipk of Minimo floating around - it's not very good but as version 2 has now been released, I wondered if it was possible to compile it for pdaxrom?

There can never be too many browsers for pdaxrom
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minimo 0.2 was written for windows ce/mobile only. the developers thought that the windows look and feel was superior decided to make minimo windows specific. this means it will not compile on linux system since there are no equivalent windows apis on linux.
maybe once they got their windows only version of minimo2 stabilised and got some time on their hand, they will work on getting linux supported as well, but that's probably very unlikely. they probably will just continue on with minimo 0.3... minimo doesn't have such a good track record which is a big contrast to firefox...

you will be better off with firefox2 or osb-browser...
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I get the distinct impression that anything Mozilla Foundation touches turns into a resource hog.    Hopefully the OSB Browser can stabilize quickly and get bit more feature complete.
I think I'm coming down with what kahm's got!  I now have 3 Zaurii in house!  ;)
Current: Zaurus SL-C3200 -  Bobby (Configuring pdaXii13 Akita with Full 5.4.9 upgrade running IceWM)
Zaurus SL-C1000 - Hachiko (Configuring Cacko 1.23 with evilJazz's new kernel)
Zaurus SL-C860 - Fett (Customized Cacko 1.23 with handmade Boba Fett Theme)
Symbol WiFi CF card|Buffalo WiFi CF Card|Buffalo Ethernet CF Card|Red Piel Frama Case|PDAir Case|Black Pelican 1020 Case|Pentopia Stylii|SaruTek Protectors|Transcend SDs (4GB 150X, 1GB 80X, 256MB 45X, 128MB 45X)|2GB PNY SD|2GB SanDisk SD|Transcend CFs (1GB 80X, 512MB 80X)|Sandisk CFs (4GB, 512MB, 256MB)|256MB Netac USB-CF|RH-1 Remote
Check out the ScummVM@tyrannozaurus page if you are an "adventurer" type of person.


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Minimo 2
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2007, 05:06:17 am »
I did suspect as much as I couldn't find linux sources but I wondered if someone had worked some magic on the old version.....

All I really find usable --for browsing-- is Dillo, but there's no javascript or css . I am hopeful that Osb-browser will make it some day, but right now it just bombs out too much to be usable. Firefox is just sluggish and memory hungry. But we all already know all this eh

I will stay hopeful.


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Minimo 2
« Reply #4 on: May 04, 2007, 07:42:05 am »
I did suspect as much as I couldn't find linux sources but I wondered if someone had worked some magic on the old version.....

All I really find usable --for browsing-- is Dillo, but there's no javascript or css . I am hopeful that Osb-browser will make it some day, but right now it just bombs out too much to be usable. Firefox is just sluggish and memory hungry. But we all already know all this eh

I will stay hopeful.
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What about Links2 in GUI mode? It renders similar to Dillo, but with frame, table, and JavaScrip support.
SL-C750- pdaXrom beta 1 (mostly unused)
Current distro: Gentoo


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Minimo 2
« Reply #5 on: May 04, 2007, 08:14:46 am »
I have tried to get used to links, and I use elinks quite a lot from the terminal,  but it just doesn't feel the same for general browsing.

Do you know if there's a way to change the font/size in links-g ?