We all know that Sharp is a very innovative company with a wide mix of products. Why haven't we seen Sharp come out with a UMPC type product?
As I watch all the various products come out: OQO, Samsung Q1, Sony UX, and the latest, the Fujitsu
FMV-U8240 (a poor Zaurus imitation) all I can think of is .... Sharp what are you waiting for?
The Zaurus form factor, coupled with a larger screen and Intel chipset would be the front running UMPC on the market. And since Sharp would be leveraging their vast experience in handheld solutions (the Zaurus), their research and development time and cost should also be significantly less than many other manufacturers, which should allow them to produce it at a very affordable price.
Am I the only one who believes Sharp is missing a golden opportunity to become a frontrunner in a growing market?
On top of all that, the Intel chipset will allow all the Linux lovers to run full desktop distros on the platform and take full advantage of the vast array of Linux software available.
Sharp, if you are listening, get up off your fat butt and show these UMPC boys how it's done right!!!!