Issue: Installing uBoot fails (got flashing lights). Charge light doesn't come on.
Solution: The three Rs:
Reformat the card (FAT16, under Linux, mkfs.vfat -F 16 /dev/CARDDEVICE),
redownload the uBoot files, and
retry the process.
Issue: pdaXrom won't find the install files when trying to install the ROM.
Solution: Boot into the emergency system and check to see that the card is mounted (type 'df' to see. If /dev/hdx1 or /dev/mmcblk0p1 is listed, it's mounted). Then, cd to the directory with the install files, for CF installs:
cd /mnt/cf
For SD:
cd /mnt/card
Then execute this:
sh ./
The install should run fine.
Issue: My Z won't boot after trying to install pdaXrom. I want to go back to ROM xyz.
Solution: Do a NAND restore. Download the correct file from here (select your Z model on the right): put the SYSTCXXX.DBK file on an SD/CF card (FAT16 formatted). remove all power from the Z (battery and AC), then hold Fn+D+M and insert the adapter. YOu should get a diagnostics menu. Go to the third page and select NAND restore. Note that you should only have one card (either SD or CF in the Z at this point).
If it doesn't see the file, 1, make sure the name is in all caps, and 2, see below.
You can then install ROM xyz normally.
Issue: After formatting a card, I can't get a NAND restore/other FAT16-sensitive action to work.
Solution: Make sure the system ID is set correctly. fdisk your card:
for SD:
fdisk /dev/SDDEVICE
for CF:
fdisk /dev/CFDEVICE
Then set the partition's ID to 6 by typing 't' for type, then the patition's number (1), then '6' for FAT16. Reformat your card:
mkfs.vfat -F 16 /dev/CARDDEVICE
then put the necessary files on the card and retry the action.
Issue: My card isn't found when trying to do a NAND restore or I get the "SYSxxx.DBK: file not exist" error when I try to restore my Z.
Solution: Make sure you have the DBK file on the root of the card, and that the card is FAT16-formatted and the System ID is set correctly (see above). For SD, make sure there isn't a CF card in the CF slot as well.
I feel like I'm missing other common issues, if so, please post them.
If this thread could be stickied, that would be great.