Author Topic: Pdaxrom 2.0 Included Apps  (Read 31394 times)


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Pdaxrom 2.0 Included Apps
« Reply #30 on: July 26, 2008, 10:10:47 pm »
Quote from: desertrat
Quote from: Capn_Fish
On the HP48 topic: Link? My concerns here are that it may not fit on the screen well, it may be more complicated than necessary, and that it may be overly large (in KB/MB, not pixels).
I think I got my copy from here:

The package size is about 100K  and you need a ROM image which uses 512K. As you can see from the above link it has been patched for a 640x480 screen so it fits just right.

 [ Invalid Attachment ]

hmm, I'd love to start taking my Z to Uni and use it as a calculator. I've only tried a couple of calcs on the Z (apparently the best available) but they just didn't feel usable enough to replace my regular Scientific at uni. If this works as well as it _looks_ then I'd also like to see this included. it's a real-world app that could help make my Z that bit more practical in day-to-day use.

In fact, I really hope this entire project (PdaXRom v2) improves on the standard of currently available distros! Really want to start taking my Z seriously asap!

Capt_n_Fish/InSearchOf/et all ... go for it!! I and (ig uess) quite a few others are rooting for you on this  Just wish I had the skills necessary to contribute myself...
« Last Edit: July 26, 2008, 10:13:35 pm by AmigaFalcon »
- Zaurus C3200
- Sandisk ULTRA II 8GB CF internal "harddrive"
- AmbiCom Wifi card
- Sony PSP power adapter ;)
- PdaXii13(v1) FULL install with Harddrive pivot


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Pdaxrom 2.0 Included Apps
« Reply #31 on: December 25, 2008, 06:41:04 am »
Quote from: scheck.r
- Nano
- Leafpad
- Geany(or Beaver) <--- maybe not in the image
- ROX-Filer
I would rather have ROX-Filer, I find it faster, you can have single-click navigation and configure shortcut keys the way you like just by adding gtk-can-change-accels = 1 in ~/.gtkrc-2.0 . i reckon that cut/copy/paste/link is rather cumbersome on small screen since you need to have 2 windows opened and not maximized.
You can have single-click navigation in PCManFM too but you need to patch the source. See
I would add ROX-Archive which is very simple(no navigation inside archive, just plain extraction/creation)
As for GPartED, I find it too big and slow, it is not very often used, therefore i am in favor of fdisk and mkfs even if it's not user friendly.

- Fluxbox
That sounds good to me. I like split screen feature, it's useful when you want to drag and drop between 2 windows(ROX-Filer comes to mind). Actually i am using JWM for speed reasons and you can set it to maximize everytime selected apps.
I was thinking about Lxpanel combined with openbox. Lxpanel has lots of plugins(battery,volume,netstatus, cpumonitor, ...) and scans .desktop so the menu is updated when new apps are installed(I don't know if fluxbox does that but certainly not JWM) but I don't know about the ressources it would need on a Zaurus. I think there are GUIs now to configure Fluxbox.

- Dillo(as an HTML viewer primarily) and Firefox3(or Midori or Skipstone)
I think WebKit is still not mature enough
- Ayttm? instead of Pidgin. See Ayttm? features
- Sylpheed instead of claws-mail. I don't use all the features of claws-mail and it's becoming quite big

- Quasar
- MPlayer
- GPicView <----  great or maybe fotoxxx
- AlsamixerGUI**
- gsnapshot is very small, has GUI and you can select a region, entire screen or window
- EPDFView** <---- from SVN or maybe old xpdf 3.02, pdf are a pain to read on a Z,way too slow
- MTPaint* <--- not in the image

- Rxvt-unicode(very fast startup)
- Sakura if one needs tabs,GUI config, cut/copy/paste,...

- Galculator(or gpe-calculator which is faster to load)
- Xournal(or FreeNoteqt)
- Notecase (maybe not in the image)
- zip, unzip, bzip2, ...
- ROX-Archive(and maybe xarchive for navigation)

- Package manager <----- Qpkg was OK to me

- IPTables*    <--- not in the image
- Firestarter* <--- not in the image

- Abiword*   <--- not in the image
- Gnumeric* <--- not in the image

No bluetooth packages in the image

And of course GUIs to configure wifi, power, ...

I guess much better to use:
ROXterm for terminal;
leafpad and gvim for text editors;
xfce for window manager.
It will be a FULL little Linux Laptop with full features.
And not so slowly.
Or, maybe, good to make a single XFCE Full distribution for C3x00 series.
If I can help in something,please write me.
I've Zaurus C3200,many PC's, not busy and want to help.
PdaXrom is a very nice project and must to have a future!
Sharp Zaurus C3200
Planex WiFi CF card
4G SD card
pdaXrom r198-Kathrin


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Pdaxrom 2.0 Included Apps
« Reply #32 on: December 25, 2008, 11:12:16 pm »
Well. InSearchOf isn't working on it anymore, and I never did get my environment set up, so if you want to pick up dev work (with Sash, who has been busy according to the SVN repo), you might want to get in contact on SF/wherever with either InSearchOf or Sash (good luck there).

I'd also argue that Xfce isn't so lightweight (12.5% of my Nokia N810's RAM was taken up for EACH widget (clock, window list, etc.) that was added to the toolbar. That would be 25% of the Z's RAM  ). Just something to think about...

My $0.02.
SL-C750- pdaXrom beta 1 (mostly unused)
Current distro: Gentoo


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Pdaxrom 2.0 Included Apps
« Reply #33 on: December 26, 2008, 02:58:15 pm »
Quote from: Capn_Fish
Well. InSearchOf isn't working on it anymore, and I never did get my environment set up, so if you want to pick up dev work (with Sash, who has been busy according to the SVN repo), you might want to get in contact on SF/wherever with either InSearchOf or Sash (good luck there).

I'd also argue that Xfce isn't so lightweight (12.5% of my Nokia N810's RAM was taken up for EACH widget (clock, window list, etc.) that was added to the toolbar. That would be 25% of the Z's RAM  ). Just something to think about...

My $0.02.

LXDE looks really nice. I hope is not as heavy as Xfce.  Fluxbox would be my other choice for a WM.

I really look forward to pdaXrom v.2. I have tried beta 1 on a 860, and it did not like it too much. Many dialog boxes were oversized. I hope that will be addressed on v. 2

Keep up the great work guys, it's greatly appreciated. I wish I had the skills to lend a hand...
Ppyo - Proudly a Linux user since 96
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