Author Topic: Umid M1  (Read 21521 times)


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Umid M1
« on: February 23, 2009, 11:28:59 am »
If it lives up to the hype, I definitely WOOT!  I just gotta hope they release with 3G/UMTS with HSPA and even LTE!
    * 4.8-inch 1024 X 600 screen
    * Intel Atom Silverthorne
    * up to 1GB of RAM
    * WiFi, Bluetooth 2.0 (optional 3G)
    * so small you can put it in your shirt pocket!
    * up to 32GB of storage
    * price between 600k won to 700k won or between $400 to $466 (wireless companies may offer this subsidized)
    * optional webcam and Digital (DMB) TV
Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.


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Umid M1
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2009, 11:14:29 am »
looks good, yes, but battery life is the challenge. If there is an extended battery option this might be more of an option.
Still not as sexy as my Z
why is cutting edge technlology not as sexy looking as 4 year old tech?
I'm getting annoyed waiting for the last 3 years for a Z killer.........still haven't found one....might have to settle for the pandora for now...  10h battery life predicted


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Umid M1
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2009, 10:05:01 am »
I just ponied up and bought one. So I'll let you guys know what it's like when I get it.

Standby battery life, time to suspend / resume / hibernate and keyboard / touchscreen quality are my primary concerns with the device. Being spoiled by the Z's 'always on' capabilities, and great screen and thumbboard, it will be interesting how the UMID compares.

The one I bought has XP on it. I may try to load Linux if I can find a forum / site with some good headway on doing so. I think UMID may have their distro available for DL but I haven't checked yet. I'm sure people would want to see something like Ubuntu or Debian on the thing instead of whatever custom Linux OS UMID has cooked up.

If anyone else has picked one of these up, let me know!


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Umid M1
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2009, 04:42:07 pm »
definitely very very interested in hearing how it runs linux. I didn't even know you could buy them. Where did you buy it? Did you get one with the 3G option, I'd definitely want that*

I'd not be interested in keeping windows other than a stripped install purely to run firefox to download drivers etc to get linux going (which is what I do with any laptop I get).

* I just switched to Hutchison 3G ("Three") in the UK for my mobile service as I can buy a day's internet access (120MB limit for £0.50 i.e. about 85 cents) if I want, whereas my old service Virgin Mobile prices were rapacious for data charges!

sorry to bombard with questions, eager to hear good news. I'm bored with my nokia tablet now, without a keyboard it just doesn't have the utility of the Z.

Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.


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Umid M1
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2009, 02:29:16 pm »
Quote from: speculatrix
definitely very very interested in hearing how it runs linux. I didn't even know you could buy them. Where did you buy it? Did you get one with the 3G option, I'd definitely want that*

I actually picked it up off of ebay, but I've heard people have been picking them up from gmarket. Interestingly enough, gmarket is like the Korea equivalent of eBay, insomuchas ebay is moving to purchase them. Unfortunately I don't believe the 3G option is available yet, they are estimating that to be later in the year AFAIK. I have a USB 3G Modem from work so for me this is not really a deal breaker. From what I've heard, the traces are there for all the hardware on the board but it's just not on it. PCI-E traces there but no connector, etc, etc.

Quote from: speculatrix
I'd not be interested in keeping windows other than a stripped install purely to run firefox to download drivers etc to get linux going (which is what I do with any laptop I get).

The version I purchased comes with XP loaded but it is my fear that it a shade tree version as the auction claimed 'No CD no COS'. Again, not a big deal as there's always Linux and I can reload XP if necessary. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm sure I'll have to repartition the HD and reinstall anyway, so I'll just test out some Linuxes / BSDs on there anyway. I'll keep you in the loop where I get.

Quote from: speculatrix
* I just switched to Hutchison 3G ("Three") in the UK for my mobile service as I can buy a day's internet access (120MB limit for £0.50 i.e. about 85 cents) if I want, whereas my old service Virgin Mobile prices were rapacious for data charges!
Well, 120MB goes quickly on 3G. I know I can burn through a gig or so in a day just doing casual saturday (sfw mind you!) surfing. Round here in the States I believe you can get unlimited data plans for around US $80 to $100 a month, at this cost it becomes more feasible as your only communication based service fee. If I didn't need to have a dedicated home internet connection, I would seriously consider getting a data plan and just using it anywhere I go.

Quote from: speculatrix
sorry to bombard with questions, eager to hear good news. I'm bored with my nokia tablet now, without a keyboard it just doesn't have the utility of the Z.


Agreed with the Nokia, and I have the 810! I'm about to unload it and a slew of other stuff. If the UMid works out as a decent portable desktop with nice battery life (one of my big gripes with the Everun Note I had), then I think I'll be ready to shed all my other niche gadgets.

But I'll always keep the Zaurus! It holds a place near and dear to my heart. : )


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Umid M1
« Reply #5 on: April 23, 2009, 01:56:41 pm »
I was pleasantly suprised by a knock on my door and a postman with a package from Korea! I have received the UMID M1 MBOOK and must say it is absolutely TINY though not as small as a Zaurus.

Looks like the ebay seller loaded XP on a normally Linux based UMID, as I have a registration card / serial number for Hancom Linux on the machine.

I'll play aronud with the thing this weekend, and see what it will take to reload Hancom as well as XP going back on it, etc.


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Umid M1
« Reply #6 on: May 04, 2009, 06:43:30 pm »
I had a look on gmarket but even when I selected english the auctions were still in hieroglyphics!

I see a whole slew of sellers from Asia on ebay now, so I am fighting the urge to click the BUY button. My wife would not be impressed if I spent all that money when she wants us to have a nice new *LCD TV instead!!!

* Samsung LE40B6xxx in case anyone was curious.
Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.


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Umid M1
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2009, 04:43:14 am »
Speculatrix, I would certainly go for the TV.

WAF (wife-acceptance factor) is a major constraint in modern life, that we always tend to underestimate in the short-term, but in the long term it will come back to you even stronger.

Unless you can have both, I definitely go for the TV.

sl-c750, archos av580, socket cf [bt, wifi, modem], noname cf lan, audiovox rtm800 gsm-gprs cf, rom: sharp -> oz3.5.3 -> cacko -> oz3.5.4.1


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Umid M1
« Reply #8 on: May 08, 2009, 04:20:40 pm »
Quote from: zmiq2
Speculatrix, I would certainly go for the TV.

it's easy for an upgrade to slip into the house - new hard drive here, new memory there, bigger flash card in the SD slot.

it's a bit harder to hide a whole new gadget!!!
Gemini 4G/Wi-Fi owner, formerly zaurus C3100 and 860 owner; also owner of an HTC Doubleshot, a Zaurus-like phone.


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Zaurus SL-C3200 Debian EABI / Sharp ROM (tetsu v18j), Socket CF Bluetooth (Rev E), BT747 GPS, Canon K30225 CF Wifi.  RIP: Zaurus SL-C860 Sharp ROM (1.40JP).


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Umid M1
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2009, 09:28:36 am »
FWIW, I got one of the 1.33GHz/32GB SSD/Webcam models off of eBay from the same guy (enmotu - he's gone, at least for  now....long story...) as teh.sean.....

Works great! Very happy with it as my pocketable device....

Silicon Valley Digerati - * Please see my Mini Laptops For Sale Listing *
Cosmo Communicator / One-Netbook One Mix Yoga 3S (Win 10/Manjaro 18)
Banana Pi Zero UMPC/Armbian
Sold: C3200/N900/OQO/N5/Dell Mini9/Netwalker/UMID M1/


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Umid M1
« Reply #11 on: August 21, 2009, 08:34:17 pm »
Any comments from UMID owners on how they like it and how close it could be to the elusive Zaurus replacement? Or a in-your-pocket mobile computer?

From other forums it looks like ArchiMark sold his and teh.sean has two, but is selling his backup.
C-3100 (reaquainting myself with Cacko) / Nokia 810 / Nokia N800 / Asus eeePC
Previously owned: SL-5500 / SL-5600 / SL-6000L / C-860 / Nokia 770 / Pepperpad 3


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Umid M1
« Reply #12 on: September 08, 2009, 12:01:25 pm »
Since I went ahead and purchased a black UMID from dynamism, I'll provide an initial answer to my own question.

Build is plastic, but fit and finish seem excellent. Some have complained about the angle of the screen in its further position and that the black one doesn't seem to improve much over the white one. Not having a white one I can't compare, but it seems acceptable for my use. Fits reasonably well in my pockets. With the leather case, it is a bit bulkier.

So far I've installed: mediawiki running locally, openoffice, vlc, mplayer, jedit, quasar media player (thanks katastrophe), kde pimpi, fbreader, truecrypt, easytag, homebank (gtk program I discovered from the Nokia). These are all cross-platform programs. I haven't installed ubuntu yet. I found some instructions that list all the drivers needed -- so it is on my list. This means I have to reacquaint myself with windows at the moment.
[blockquote]Edit: I found directions for installing Ubuntu and associated drivers here, but have not yet had a chance to try them out:[/blockquote]
Did a quick test of vlc and mplayer without trying to tweak. A sample video I encoded with handbrake with the film setting defaults (which uses h.264) struggles a little bit, but could be watchable. When I get some time, I need to watch and see if it is acceptable. [blockquote]
Edit: It appears that using the right codecs even highdef h.264 should be possible on the UMID at least in windows: [/blockquote]
It is not instant on, but not too bad. My requirement was something that fit in my pocket and could be used to access my work stuff over citrix. This works well for that need.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2009, 08:18:55 am by mars »
C-3100 (reaquainting myself with Cacko) / Nokia 810 / Nokia N800 / Asus eeePC
Previously owned: SL-5500 / SL-5600 / SL-6000L / C-860 / Nokia 770 / Pepperpad 3


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Umid M1
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2009, 01:22:49 pm »
Quote from: mars
Any comments from UMID owners on how they like it and how close it could be to the elusive Zaurus replacement? Or a in-your-pocket mobile computer?

From other forums it looks like ArchiMark sold his and teh.sean has two, but is selling his backup.

FWIW, I didn't sell my M1 because I wasn't happy with it. I actually liked the M1 a lot and only sold it to raise $'s to cover some other expenses...

I'm now getting one of the new black M1's....

Silicon Valley Digerati - * Please see my Mini Laptops For Sale Listing *
Cosmo Communicator / One-Netbook One Mix Yoga 3S (Win 10/Manjaro 18)
Banana Pi Zero UMPC/Armbian
Sold: C3200/N900/OQO/N5/Dell Mini9/Netwalker/UMID M1/


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Umid M1
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2009, 01:01:56 am »
Quote from: speculatrix
Quote from: zmiq2
Speculatrix, I would certainly go for the TV.

it's easy for an upgrade to slip into the house - new hard drive here, new memory there, bigger flash card in the SD slot.

it's a bit harder to hide a whole new gadget!!!


I know of someone who has a gf who love to lavish him with gadgets 'cos it makes him happy!
Lucky him!!
Akita (Daily use)
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>SL-C1000 with Cacko 1.23 full
Accessories: Wifi XI-825 CF  |  16GB (6) SDHC (Transcend) | 1GB 80x CF (RiDATA PRO-2) </span>

Collie (Sandbox)
<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>SL-5500 with OZ/GPE alpha3 build 2006-04-27
Accessories: 512MB A-Data SD | 64MB Toshiba SD</span>