Author Topic: ipk system is a pain in the...  (Read 4770 times)


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ipk system is a pain in the...
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2004, 11:59:18 am »
open source developers dont have any reason to write documentation.

This bothers me a lot.  No reason to write documentation?  You\'ve got to be kidding me.

This is one of the biggest knocks against using OSS software and this attitude only furthers the mistrust organizations have in using OSS software.

It\'s hard to say that someone that the work they do for free is not appreciated, but when developers have attitudes like this, they only harm the OSS community by bringing the whole community down to this level.

To compete against companies like M$, we can\'t tolerate this type of attitude.
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ipk system is a pain in the...
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2004, 11:59:23 am »
I tend to agree with the comments on the open source developers.  On the other hand, not everyone is at the same
level of ability with interpersonal communication and relations.

but more than that, if there were docs... correct... easy to find (for the first time newbie) ... many of the frustrations
wouldn\'t be there -- and the users might actually be there.   oz isn\'t perfect, but it has potential.  pdaxrom isn\'t
perfect, but it has potential... the question is, which is easy to get started with and work with?  maybe forget the
people -- what if it was just finding docs, downlads (sdks, etc) ... and which *works*?

oz bild system failed for me.  oe build system failed for me.  I\'ve had troubles with pdaxrom sdk... I haven\'t tried
gentoo.  basically, I haven\'t been able to compile anything for my zaurus, after about a year of trying.  Why?
well, the OSS isn\'t freebsd frindly.  so I get sdk for linux, but then it\'s not friendly to my old redhat 7.2 system.
Solution?  how about a vmware/virtual with another linux distribution?  how about a live-cd with SDK?



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ipk system is a pain in the...
« Reply #17 on: March 22, 2004, 02:37:16 am »
Thats a great idea.  If someone were to make a live CD with a configured oe build system, it might really help those would be developers that know enough to be dangerous but not enough to just figure it all out themselves.

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ipk system is a pain in the...
« Reply #18 on: March 22, 2004, 05:47:45 am »
Joshp: It\'s easier to install \"opie-sh\" and \"opie-sh-launcherrefresh\" to do it - after manually install packages all You need it \"tap\" to one icon (or You can even call it from shell).
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