i know it is crazy,
so i didn\'t charged it,
because i have extra nokia battery, want to make zaurus slimmer,
and don\'t want to spend $ to buy small zaurus battery
Well........ .... ..........
a) you were to charge it with its normal charger. And,
you were to design a case that was absolutely foolproof. And,
c) you were to fuse it at a safe level - say 2 amps (and that would a \"fast\" 2 amp fuse, not one of those slow-blo fuses), you probably would be safe. Maybe.
But that still doesn\'t cover the thermal lead from the battery. What did the Z think of the cell phone battery? Did it run? (not to encourage you, only in the interest of science).
Please be careful. I\'m not worried about your Z (hardly), I\'m more worried about who is going to pay for your reconstructive surgery.