Author Topic: Lid Switch Behavior - can it be changed?  (Read 3270 times)


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Lid Switch Behavior - can it be changed?
« on: May 14, 2018, 12:41:10 pm »
This stems from me wanting to be able to do something that should be quite simple.

I want to play and control playback of audio over a wired headset while the Gemini is shut and in my pocket.  The audio playback question itself is solved in another thread here.  This one is specific to the lid switch behavior.  Audio player information here is given on background to detail why I want the lid switch behavior to be different.

I have an Android earbuds headset with Android compatible in-line three button remote.  The remote allows me to:
Top button = volume up
Middle button 1X = play or pause toggle
Middle button 2X = next track
Middle button 3X = previous track
Bottom button = volume down

On the Gemini, this works fine as long as the lid is open.  Normal operations with the audio program open = perfect.  'locked' at the lock screen with audio controls = perfect.

Close the Gemini lid, though, and the audio continues, but the controls fail.

When the Gemini lid closes, what state does the unit place itself in?  This isn't the same as most Android phones screen-off state.  It is something else - but what to call this?  Tupor?

Where is the Gemini lid close behavior monitored and maintained in the software stack?  Is there a hidden menu somewhere that allows the user to override it's default settings?


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Lid Switch Behavior - can it be changed?
« Reply #1 on: May 16, 2018, 09:12:26 am »
This is another question, where I would want more input from someone at PLANET. They could reduce their support questions when answering here - and new customers could find their solution lateron, too. It is a pity that no one from the developers is here - your question is very funded and needs only a short answer. We are all not complaining too much when there is no solution by now - but it is harder to stand if there is no answer.

To your question from my view: The state when lid closed is very economic - it manages to save a lot of battery when the lid is closed. Seems that they overdid it...


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Lid Switch Behavior - can it be changed?
« Reply #2 on: May 16, 2018, 11:16:42 am »
Quote from: OPDA
This is another question, where I would want more input from someone at PLANET. They could reduce their support questions when answering here - and new customers could find their solution lateron, too. It is a pity that no one from the developers is here - your question is very funded and needs only a short answer. We are all not complaining too much when there is no solution by now - but it is harder to stand if there is no answer.

To your question from my view: The state when lid closed is very economic - it manages to save a lot of battery when the lid is closed. Seems that they overdid it...

Yes, Planet needs a formal bug acknowledgment & tracking system.  Lacking that, maybe have an official forum open to all purchasers where we can discuss pointers.  OESF is doing a good thing by having these forums.  Although these forums are referenced by Planet Computers at different points, they are not official.

The 'official developers forum' is actually at:
However, I do not see any cases where anyone from Planet Computers has ever answered a single question there.

There are a few of us over on the Pyra boards where there is more discussion interaction, but that is even further disconnected from Planet.

I know that they're still wrapping up this round of production.  Hopefully they have read some of the items.

There are several issues that should be able to be addressed inexpensively in a software update.  Examples:
* Allow users to change the lid switch behavior.  I want to be able to pause, skip, next track while listening to music with the lid shut.
* Page Up, Page Down, Home and End on the US Keyboard definition do not work.
* Allow Google Assistant to be isolated to either the side button OR headphone remote button OR let us put it on Fn+G.  It's current behavior is beyond annoying.  This may be a Google thing - but I HOPE we can get better control over how it is activated.


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Lid Switch Behavior - can it be changed?
« Reply #3 on: May 16, 2018, 07:56:47 pm »
Noted on another thread but I wanted to point out that emails sent to do seem to receive a ticket number. Follow up is not always great.


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Lid Switch Behavior - can it be changed?
« Reply #4 on: May 16, 2018, 09:54:08 pm »
Quote from: Grench
* Page Up, Page Down, Home and End on the US Keyboard definition do not work.

I use a US keyboard layout, and page up, down, home and end work fine - the app has to support it. I use TextMaker and all these keys work properly. Android has borked key detection at the best of times. It seems that well written apps check the keyboard correctly (TextMaker) and poorly written ones dont (eg. browser). By poorly, I don't mean the software is bad, just that it doesn't check the keyboard properly. I don't think PC can do much about it.