Author Topic: Software issues with Linux  (Read 2338 times)


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Software issues with Linux
« on: May 25, 2018, 12:49:34 pm »
Hi. I am running the dual boot version on my Gemini. When I run Linux and try to use the Discover app to download any software, I get this error message: "package download failed". Also, when I open GIMP for the first time, the program says it has to create a directory but that fails because it says there is no more room. I specified 12GB in the scatter file so if the scatter file worked properly I should have more than enough room. I'd appreciate assistance with this. Thanks.


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Software issues with Linux
« Reply #1 on: May 25, 2018, 03:53:36 pm »
Quote from: BenT
Hi. I am running the dual boot version on my Gemini. When I run Linux and try to use the Discover app to download any software, I get this error message: "package download failed". Also, when I open GIMP for the first time, the program says it has to create a directory but that fails because it says there is no more room. I specified 12GB in the scatter file so if the scatter file worked properly I should have more than enough room. I'd appreciate assistance with this. Thanks.

You forgot to free up additional space on your Gemini when you went into Linux. Due to a bug in the current image, Debian does not start off utilizing all of the available free space to it.

Steps to fix:

1 Open the LXQT main menu (the bird icon)
2 Choose System Tools -> XTerm
3 In the very small font terminal type the following then press enter: sudo apt clean
4 Next, enter in this: sudo resize2fs -p /dev/mmcblk0p29

There are lots more instructions on this page you should consult for the Debian Preview version:


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Software issues with Linux
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2018, 09:39:56 pm »
Thank you for your advice. When I turned my phone on in the hope of following your instructions, the phone would not load Linux. After I entered the password for the user, the screen stayed entirely blank except for the mouse pointer. I tried plasma too and it did the same. Is there a way to force it to give me the option of booting into Linux some other way? Thanks again.

Quote from: jornada720
Quote from: BenT
Hi. I am running the dual boot version on my Gemini. When I run Linux and try to use the Discover app to download any software, I get this error message: "package download failed". Also, when I open GIMP for the first time, the program says it has to create a directory but that fails because it says there is no more room. I specified 12GB in the scatter file so if the scatter file worked properly I should have more than enough room. I'd appreciate assistance with this. Thanks.

You forgot to free up additional space on your Gemini when you went into Linux. Due to a bug in the current image, Debian does not start off utilizing all of the available free space to it.

Steps to fix:

1 Open the LXQT main menu (the bird icon)
2 Choose System Tools -> XTerm
3 In the very small font terminal type the following then press enter: sudo apt clean
4 Next, enter in this: sudo resize2fs -p /dev/mmcblk0p29

There are lots more instructions on this page you should consult for the Debian Preview version:

Adam Boardman

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Software issues with Linux
« Reply #3 on: May 29, 2018, 06:26:31 am »
> the screen stayed entirely blank except for the mouse pointer

This is likely due to a some lacking configuration in .config/kwinrc for your user.

To fix this you'll need to ssh in from outside, either by having previously attached to your wifi, or by using the usb-tethering.

eg. plug the usb cable in to a linux desktop and:

ssh gemini@

if your desktop doesn't pick up the network automatically (dhcp) you might need to do something like:

sudo ip addr add dev usb0; sudo ip link set usb0 up

Then you should be able to edit the kwinrc file and try again.