Author Topic: Cannot boot into Debian linux  (Read 2282 times)


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Cannot boot into Debian linux
« on: June 02, 2018, 04:08:38 pm »
Cannot boot into linux.
I followed the instructions here
which need work to be a bit clearer on
a) Dual boot scatter files
b) Using the side button to control boot into linux
c) It mentions TWRP , but I'd hope for links to how to setup

I used the scatter file :Gemini_Debian_TP_30_25_Scatter.txt
(could someone reply with a wiki link about scatter files please).

I eventually seemed to get the dual boot android/linux installed.

I cannot get it to boot into linux

I checked the instructions on
Just to be very sure that I was pressing the buttons right (hopefully they will add a better boot loader control - this device has arrow keys built in, having a boot selector screen would be better and clearer)

So from powered off
PRESS  esc (power) until vibrate, THEN RHS button.

Next boot screen with a friendly penguin, then ...
it goes blank,
another vibrate

Boot screen with penguin and "Powered By Linux"

Then Similar boot screen with "Powered By Android" into android.

So - what did I do wrong?

YourTech John

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Cannot boot into Debian linux
« Reply #1 on: June 02, 2018, 06:04:45 pm »
Your boot issue sound similar to  [a href=\'index.php?showtopic=34961\']mine[/a].
First off, get your scatter file from here:  - I recommend that you do not check the "by default boot into linux", as that creates problems when trying to upgrade the kernel later on.

Next up, when you unzip it, use peazip ( instead of Windows Explorer or 7-zip. This is where I ran into problems and I ran into the same problem you have. Windows Explorer and 7-zip choke on the IMG file.

ALSO - if you want root on android, you need to use a good text editor (notepad++) to edit "Gemini_Dual_Boot.txt" and replace where it says "boot.img" to "patched_boot.img".

Go ahead and flash using the tool.  To boot into linux:
1. power off completely.  
2. Then hold both the power button (Esc) and the silver side button
3. As soon as the unit vibrates for power on, release the Esc key. This MUST be released before the screen turns on. Continue holding the side button until the screen turns on.

Assuming that gets you booted into Linux, follow the instructions provided on this wiki link:   You can essentially ignore the older "DebianTP" page as that contains instructions that have now been merged into Debian Technical Preivew 2.