As far as I know it's one android installation. The boot.img differs so you can either boot in rooted or unrooted mode, everything else remains constant.
Thanks, however when I installed them neither were rooted, I ran Magisk and now both are rooted. Is there a way to unroot the one image?
This has also confused me for some time. Firstly I think (correct me if wrong) there are TWO ways of getting a rooted system
OPTION1 - Install the dual/tri boot option using the Web partitioning tool.
OPTION2- use the normal stock Android and install Magisk manager and then somehow use this to root the device - I am not very clear on this, perhaps someone can explain step by step what they did
I went with option 1 - normal boot is rooted, silver button and power is non rooted. When I downloaded all the files from Gemini I did a diff on them - the difference in the scatter file was there was a different boot image listed for the root one. Everything else is the same. So I think I have the same files in both modes but can only change the protected part of them in root mode?
I installed Magist manager as this has has the SU manager on it- i.e. a box pops up when an app wants root access. And also one of the rootchecker apps off the play store - this correctly shows root / non root depending on how I boot.