Hi all,
Have there been any issues reported with the battery running down much quicker than expected?
When I first got my Gemini the batter appeared to last about 5-7 days of standby use.
Now, for me this is just a test prototype device to play around with and it's currently not my main device, so sometimes it just sits in my office on standby mode for a day or two.
I've noticed in the two weeks, that every time I go to use the device, the battery is empty, even though I'm 99% sure I charged it up only 2 days ago.
Have any other issues like this been reported? If not, I'll monitor it more closely over the next few days to determine whether I have a duff battery, or perhaps there is a runaway app or something that is causing the issue.
It is just using the standard Android firmware so far as I haven 't even had time to install linux, and I've hardly installed any apps other than the ones that were standard and the Gemini Agenda app.l