Author Topic: Dosbox  (Read 28175 times)


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« Reply #30 on: October 06, 2018, 04:11:44 am »
It isn't worth a new release, but setting your cpu type from auto (use dynamic if available or appropriate), to dynamic gives a large speed boost to certain games. They mustn't detect the need for dynamic correctly. The x25 emulates a reasonable beefy 386 (66+MHz) according to benchmarking apps. That is easily enough to play quake, and duke3d on full quality. I am a bit surprised by the difference between the dynamic and the previous versions. Oh well, Enjoy!


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« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2018, 06:11:35 am »
Quote from: vader
OK, here is the latest version. It runs significantly faster than the old one. If you have installed version 0.3, the easiest thing is to rename your ~/dos and ~/.dosbox to ~/dos.good and ~/.dosbox.good, then create dummy .dosbox and dos directories. Uninstall the old dosbox, then install the new one. Delete the new .dosbox and dos directories, and rename your .good directories back to .dosbox and dos. As usual, gunzip the rpm first

Hello vader,
trying to install latest Dosbox version 0.4_1 to my Gemini PDA with Sailfish version (devel version), i got an error about missing
Did i missed something that must be installed additionally, or is this a change during upgrade from Sailfish version 2.1.x.x to 3.0.x.x?
There are also no other versions of this lib on the system  ..
Many thanks for any hint ..

Amongst many other Computers and Phones i'm using a Gemini PDA WIFI+G4 and a Cosmo Communicator both with German keyboard, all with SailfishOS and Debian ;-)


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« Reply #32 on: November 11, 2018, 11:00:36 pm »
Quote from: gabs5807
trying to install latest Dosbox version 0.4_1 to my Gemini PDA with Sailfish version (devel version), i got an error about missing
Did i missed something that must be installed additionally, or is this a change during upgrade from Sailfish version 2.1.x.x to 3.0.x.x?

I haven't upgraded to 3 yet, but you need libaudioresource. You can manually add the package from the command line. Make sure you are root by running devel-su first (or put devel-su before each command).

Code: [Select]
pkcon search libaudioresource
look for the package (not the qt version), so for example in my system you have


You would then type:

Code: [Select]
pkcon install libaudioresource-1.0.5
This is normally done in the rpm file, so maybe there is something different. If you successfully installed libaudioresource, do the following:

Code: [Select]
ldd /usr/bin/dosbox | less
This will show what libraries it is trying to load, and if any are missing.


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« Reply #33 on: November 14, 2018, 01:54:07 pm »
Quote from: vader
Quote from: gabs5807
trying to install latest Dosbox version 0.4_1 to my Gemini PDA with Sailfish version (devel version), i got an error about missing
Did i missed something that must be installed additionally, or is this a change during upgrade from Sailfish version 2.1.x.x to 3.0.x.x?

I haven't upgraded to 3 yet, but you need libaudioresource. You can manually add the package from the command line. Make sure you are root by running devel-su first (or put devel-su before each command).

Code: [Select]
pkcon search libaudioresource
look for the package (not the qt version), so for example in my system you have


You would then type:

Code: [Select]
pkcon install libaudioresource-1.0.5
This is normally done in the rpm file, so maybe there is something different. If you successfully installed libaudioresource, do the following:

Code: [Select]
ldd /usr/bin/dosbox | less
This will show what libraries it is trying to load, and if any are missing.

Hello vader, many thanks for the hint. Now it works fine (i tryied some old dos games ;-)).
The only problem i have is the wrong mapping of my german keyboard.
The key mapping file i use on my Linux did not work correctly.
Do you know if there is a tool which shows the code of the pressed key?

Many thanks
Amongst many other Computers and Phones i'm using a Gemini PDA WIFI+G4 and a Cosmo Communicator both with German keyboard, all with SailfishOS and Debian ;-)


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« Reply #34 on: November 14, 2018, 10:45:29 pm »
Quote from: gabs5807
Hello vader, many thanks for the hint. Now it works fine (i tryied some old dos games ;-)).
The only problem i have is the wrong mapping of my german keyboard.
The key mapping file i use on my Linux did not work correctly.
Do you know if there is a tool which shows the code of the pressed key?
The normal keymapper doesn't work properly as it was hard coded for portrait orientation. I was going to rewrite it but haven't yet. Ideally, the qml front end will take care of that. To work out the keys, I actually added print statements to the program  They have been removed now. I could always compile up a version for you that printed the key presses and you could run that one to map your keyboard. I added the fn key as alt3 so you can get the extra characters.

Have you enabled dynamic? Auto normally chooses the dynamic cpu, however some games don't - one example is elder scrolls. It was slow until I set the cpu core to always use dynamic in the config file. With dynamic, you can run duke3d at full speed, along with all the doom/doom2 games (eg dark forces). Quake needs a few small tweaks, but after that it runs well.

Let me know if you want the dosbox version with printout so you can configure your keyboard.


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« Reply #35 on: November 15, 2018, 08:06:25 am »
Quote from: vader
The normal keymapper doesn't work properly as it was hard coded for portrait orientation. I was going to rewrite it but haven't yet. Ideally, the qml front end will take care of that. To work out the keys, I actually added print statements to the program  They have been removed now. I could always compile up a version for you that printed the key presses and you could run that one to map your keyboard. I added the fn key as alt3 so you can get the extra characters.

Have you enabled dynamic? Auto normally chooses the dynamic cpu, however some games don't - one example is elder scrolls. It was slow until I set the cpu core to always use dynamic in the config file. With dynamic, you can run duke3d at full speed, along with all the doom/doom2 games (eg dark forces). Quake needs a few small tweaks, but after that it runs well.

Let me know if you want the dosbox version with printout so you can configure your keyboard.

Yes  . It would be fine to get this version.
At the moment i tried low performance games like Agentman and Commander Keen  .

But some more modern games (like Space Quest and Monkey Island )  are waiting to be played.
At this point i also have to look on the cpu speed.
And the i have to use the keyboard (especially on the first adventures) ..

Many thanks
« Last Edit: November 15, 2018, 08:10:39 am by gabs5807 »
Amongst many other Computers and Phones i'm using a Gemini PDA WIFI+G4 and a Cosmo Communicator both with German keyboard, all with SailfishOS and Debian ;-)


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« Reply #36 on: November 15, 2018, 05:54:51 pm »
Quote from: gabs5807
Quote from: vader
The normal keymapper doesn't work properly as it was hard coded for portrait orientation. I was going to rewrite it but haven't yet. Ideally, the qml front end will take care of that. To work out the keys, I actually added print statements to the program  They have been removed now. I could always compile up a version for you that printed the key presses and you could run that one to map your keyboard. I added the fn key as alt3 so you can get the extra characters.

Have you enabled dynamic? Auto normally chooses the dynamic cpu, however some games don't - one example is elder scrolls. It was slow until I set the cpu core to always use dynamic in the config file. With dynamic, you can run duke3d at full speed, along with all the doom/doom2 games (eg dark forces). Quake needs a few small tweaks, but after that it runs well.

Let me know if you want the dosbox version with printout so you can configure your keyboard.

Yes  . It would be fine to get this version.
At the moment i tried low performance games like Agentman and Commander Keen  .

But some more modern games (like Space Quest and Monkey Island )  are waiting to be played.
At this point i also have to look on the cpu speed.
And the i have to use the keyboard (especially on the first adventures) ..

Many thanks
I'll compile it up tonight (I'm on the other side of the world  ) I just finished playing Discworld - apart from the small screen, it was probably better than when I played it on a PC. Under dosbox, all the hardware is compatible. I played dark forces, and am halfway through duke 3d. Just remember to set the core to dynamic. When I ran checkit (old dos benchmarking tool), the results are (fastest machine comparison checkit had was 486/50):

CPU: 1.45 x faster than 486
NPU 3.38 x faster than 486

So, at least a 66MHz 486 - pretty good for playing old DOS games.

PS. I also upped the memsize to 64M. This helps a lot with quake and duke3d.
« Last Edit: November 15, 2018, 05:58:19 pm by vader »


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« Reply #37 on: November 16, 2018, 07:05:59 pm »
So I compiled up the version that prints out the key codes. To use it, uncompress the attached dosbox executable and put it in /tmp. Make sure it is executable, then run it redirecting output to a file. Press keys in dosbox, then quit. look at the file. It is really rudimentary, however it does the job (until I write the nice gui wrapper).

Code: [Select]
cp Downloads/dosbox.gz /tmp
cd /tmp
gunzip dosbox.gz
chmod +x dosbox
./dosbox > keys

look at the file /tmp/keys - as well as general dosbox startup stuff, you will get something like:

Code: [Select]
Key=37 down
Key=37 up
Key=38 down
Key=38 up

This says that keycode 37 (they 8 key) was pressed, then released, followed by the 9 key. Edit your dosbox config accordingly.



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« Reply #38 on: November 19, 2018, 03:26:50 pm »
Quote from: vader
So I compiled up the version that prints out the key codes. To use it, uncompress the attached dosbox executable and put it in /tmp. Make sure it is executable, then run it redirecting output to a file. Press keys in dosbox, then quit. look at the file. It is really rudimentary, however it does the job (until I write the nice gui wrapper).


Many thanks.
I have the list of the key codes.
Is there a list of the key names for all keys (e.g. key_q, ..)?
For some keys i did not find the key names (the German Umlaute Ä, Ö, Ü, and funnily enough '$', '§', ..  .

When i have a full map i can upload it (if some one is interested   ).
« Last Edit: November 19, 2018, 03:27:07 pm by gabs5807 »
Amongst many other Computers and Phones i'm using a Gemini PDA WIFI+G4 and a Cosmo Communicator both with German keyboard, all with SailfishOS and Debian ;-)


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« Reply #39 on: November 23, 2018, 05:18:41 pm »
Quote from: gabs5807
When i have a full map i can upload it (if some one is interested   ).

I am.


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« Reply #40 on: November 27, 2018, 09:40:34 am »
Quote from: arisel
Quote from: gabs5807
When i have a full map i can upload it (if some one is interested   ).

I am.

OK. Here it is. But i did not find any information about the names and used by file :-(.
Not at the internet nor at the dosbox source ..
So some of the keys could not described at the map.

I added the modifier key:
  • mod1 -> key_lctrl
  • mod2 -> key_lalt
  • mod3 -> key_fn
I did not know weather it is possible to add key_lshift and key_rshift as additional modifier (mod4) so i comment all keys which need shift.
May be this keys must be described otherwise.

Same problem for '?' which has an unusual position for German keyboards on the gemini keyboard.
Normally it is a shifted 'sz' but i did not find a key name for the 'sz' or the '?' key ..

I attached the created map and a picture of the German gemini keyboard.

Any comment and corrections are welcome :-).
« Last Edit: November 28, 2018, 05:08:06 pm by gabs5807 »
Amongst many other Computers and Phones i'm using a Gemini PDA WIFI+G4 and a Cosmo Communicator both with German keyboard, all with SailfishOS and Debian ;-)


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« Reply #41 on: November 12, 2019, 08:09:04 am »
Quote from: vader
Quote from: gabs5807
trying to install latest Dosbox version 0.4_1 to my Gemini PDA with Sailfish version (devel version), i got an error about missing
Did i missed something that must be installed additionally, or is this a change during upgrade from Sailfish version 2.1.x.x to 3.0.x.x?

I haven't upgraded to 3 yet, but you need libaudioresource. You can manually add the package from the command line. Make sure you are root by running devel-su first (or put devel-su before each command).

Code: [Select]
pkcon search libaudioresource
look for the package (not the qt version), so for example in my system you have


You would then type:

Code: [Select]
pkcon install libaudioresource-1.0.5
This is normally done in the rpm file, so maybe there is something different. If you successfully installed libaudioresource, do the following:

Code: [Select]
ldd /usr/bin/dosbox | less
This will show what libraries it is trying to load, and if any are missing.

Am trying to install this (for the first time) having just upgraded to SFOS
Code: [Select]
pkcon search libaudioresource shows:
Code: [Select]
Available    libaudioresource-1.0.5-1.2.15.jolla.armv7hl (jolla)    Nemo Mobile Audio Resource APIbut typing
Code: [Select]
devel-su pkcon install libaudioresource-1.0.5 gives the result:
Code: [Select]
Resolving                   [                  ] (0%) Package not found: libaudioresource-1.0.5
Command failed: This tool could not find any available package: No packages were found

What is confusing me is that it is telling me the library is 'Available'. But then saying it can't find it.
I presume I am doing something wrong. Any ideas gratefully received.
Thanks in advance.


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« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2019, 10:22:38 am »
Replying to myself (in case it is of use to others—or someone wants to let me know that this is the *wrong* way to resolve my problem):
I succeeded in downloading the library with the command:
Code: [Select]
devel-su pkcon download ./Downloads libaudioresourcethen:
Code: [Select]
devel-su pkcon install-local libaudioresource-1.0.5-1.2.15.jolla.armv7hl.rpm
Dosbox is now available in the Apps pulley. And clicking on it launches a splash screen with a button marked 'Start Dosbox' and a white box saying: 'Welcome to Gemini Dosbox. This version of Dosbox has been customised for the Gemini PDA. In future releases, the rotation, key mapping and configuration will be editable from here. For now, if you want to customise Dosbox, the configuration files live in /home/nemo/.dosbox.

It's probably obvious what I should do now. But unfortunately not to me ...
double or treble tapping the button appears not to do anything. And Alt-enter appears not to do anything. I've put an .exe of Wd5.5 into the /home/nemo/dos directory. How do I run it?
Thanks for any help you can offer.


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« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2019, 03:14:59 pm »
Running dosbox from the command line instead of tapping on the icon in the apps pulley gives a long set of errors:
(I'll have to type these in as it doesn't appear to be possible to copy-paste from the SailFish fingerterm app so apologies if there are any typos)
Code: [Select]
DOSBox version SVN
Copyright notice
CONFIG: Loading primary settings from config file  ....

Assertion failure at SDL_SetWindowIconREAL (/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/SDL2-2.0.9+git3/SDL2/src/video/SDL_video.c:1772), triggered 1 time: 'window && window->magic == &_this->window_magic'

Abort/Break/Retry/Ignore/AlwaysIgnore? [abriA] : i
library "" not found
SDL: Current window pixel format: SDL_PIXELFORMAT_RGB888
MIXER: Got different values from SDL: freq 22050, blocksize 512
pause audio off
ALSA:Can't subscribe to MIDI port (65:0) nor (17:0)
MIDI: Opened device:ozz
Can't find matching event for .... there were loads of lines in this vein, ending with ...
MAPPER: Loading mapper settings from /home/nemo/.dosbox/
dosbox: gralloc.c:132: hybris_gralloc_initialize: Assertion 'NULL' failed.
Aborted (core dumped)

Any ideas on what is wrong/how to fix gratefully received.


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« Reply #44 on: November 28, 2019, 10:32:14 am »
Quote from: idc
Assertion failure at SDL_SetWindowIconREAL (/home/abuild/rpmbuild/BUILD/SDL2-2.0.9+git3/SDL2/src/video/SDL_video.c:1772), triggered 1 time: 'window && window->magic == &_this->window_magic'

Yup, I have the same issue with SFOS and the dosbox. Looks like something in SDL lib changed.
@vader, where can I find your source code, may be a compile on my Gemini with can fix it.

Edit: May I ask again for the source code, I want to try to recomlile dosbox. Same issue with SFOS v3.2.1.19.
« Last Edit: December 16, 2019, 10:39:49 am by FrankS »