Looking forward to this one (and the One Mix 2 Yoga)!
I had been hoping the Gemini PDA could become my go-to-travel computer, but I haven't been able to get Linux working painlessly enough (stuck on Debian stretch atm, so can't get most recent packages for texlive, usability issues with i3 window manager, missing F-keys). One thing I particularly found to be unfortunate in the Gemini is that xrandr cannot be used to control a virtual screen, so I haven't been able to get a secondary screen connected via VNC. For many people that might not be a major concern, but since I intend to travel with an 7.8 or 10 inch Android e-Reader anyway, it would make lots of sense to be able to use one of these as an extended screen when working from a hotel room - with these small screens the extra space makes a lot of difference. In the Gemini PDA, the graphics driver (hwcomposer) doesn't seem to provide the ability to use an extra screen (at least I haven't found out how to do it).
With either the Falcon or the One Mix 2, this shouldn't be an issue as they use standard intel graphics. Will be a bit heavier/bulkier, but also more versatile.