The Psion cases varied, though.
In the Series 3 and variants: yes, harline cracks would start around the hinge linking screen to keyboard; that would lead to progressive failure of the hinge, eventually rendering the device almost unusable.
In the Series 5 and variants: harline cracks would sometimes start around the hinge linking screen to keyboard -- but in my extensive experience, those don't tend to lead to adverse effects. The real problem is hairline cracks in the ribbon cable linking screen to base; and that's not the same sort of problem (and is invisible).
With the Gemini, it's hard to be sure, but my guess is that these cracks may not turn out to be as serious as some of the Psion problems. (OTOH, we don't know what other problems Geminis might develop after several years of use...)
(I'm less worried for now, as my Cosmo is already on order )