Author Topic: Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition for Android  (Read 5333 times)


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Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition for Android
« on: February 14, 2019, 12:30:00 pm »
It works.  In fact, it works pretty darn well actually.

Neverwinter Nights is seeing a pretty significant resurgence in popularity with the BeamDog Enhanced Edition updates and being present on the Steam store for PC/Mac/Linux.  However, hidden in all of that is a release through Google Play for NWNEE Android.

NWN is a keyboard heavy game.  It requires using WASD -and- arrow keys for navigation - you have to rotate the world and zoom in/out to see/do things.  AND on persistent worlds in particular, being able to communicate requires that keyboard.  I don't think of it as playable on a phone.  The Gemini changes that equation.

Not only is it playable, but it is enjoyable to play on the Gemini.  Last night I was logged in an playing on a NWN persistent world with ~90 other players on it.  I was able to navigate, communicate, etc.  Complex combat 'in game' for spellcasters might be a bit difficult - I haven't tried that yet.  For things like that you might still want to use a 'gaming rig'.  But for connecting and 'social interaction', it's a fantastic mobile solution.


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Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition for Android
« Reply #1 on: February 15, 2019, 03:40:26 am »

actually, I don't understand this post. "Killer app"? Is this just plain stupid advertising, or what? Can't be a technical tip or question, because it's not really Gemini-related. Would be nice to not have clogged this forum by adds for games and stuff.

Kind regards


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Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition for Android
« Reply #2 on: February 15, 2019, 05:09:18 am »
Quote from: Eldkatten
actually, I don't understand this post. "Killer app"? Is this just plain stupid advertising, or what? Can't be a technical tip or question, because it's not really Gemini-related. Would be nice to not have clogged this forum by adds for games and stuff.
Personally, I don't mind seeing posts here about gaming and/or emulation, as long as they are related to the Gemini. On OESF we always had the occasional post on gaming and similar in the past, and I'd like to see the forum to host discussions about everything that is Gemini related. So for example, advices on how to finish a specific level in a game might be off-topic, but I'd welcome posts on how to make games aware of the physical keyboard, or how to get 3D acceleration to work under Linux, or even if there are any Sailfish OS native games. This thread is IMHO interesting, since it's about a game that can be played better with a real keyboard; it would be interesting to have a list of Android games (or apps in general) that work better with, or require, a physical keyboard, to show that the Gemini is better suited for a certain type of games than a generic smartphone or tablet.

Planet Gemini PDA WiFi/LTE with Mediatek x27
SL-C1000 running Arch Linux ARM May2017, K30225 Wi-Fi CF Card, 64GB SDXC card
and many other Zauruses!


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Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition for Android
« Reply #3 on: February 15, 2019, 10:17:46 am »
I don't have any problem with OP at all. He makes clear how this app is particularly useful on the Gemini keyboard and while I enjoy this forum immensely, I wish it had more posts, not less.



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Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition for Android
« Reply #4 on: February 15, 2019, 01:00:57 pm »
Good post, I'm always looking for ANYTHING that runs well on various devices discussed here.
- Gemini PDA | WiFi - Android 7.1.1
- GPD Pocket | Ubuntu Mate 18.10
- Zaurus SL-C3100 | ArchLinuxARM


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Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition for Android
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2019, 02:49:35 am »
Allright then,

but at least it could be a bit lower than "The Gemini's new killer app". I don't want to read about games, but then since I don't know the names of those toy apps, I don't want to be lured into reading a post by childish attributes like "killer app", "best app ever" and so on.

Kind regards

P.S.: Oh, and about "I wish it had more posts, not less"... really at any cost? Then I suggest we get those p*s-enhancer-, online-casino- and "make-thousands-in-a-week-without-work"-guys over here, we'll have plenty of post then. I've seen this in other forums.
Yes, I, too, have noticed the decline in the number of posts, but that's normal when the forum topic ages. But I'd rather have few posts which address usefull tips and solutions to problems (or questions asked about them) than many posts most of which are useless. That's my opinion, but of course you may have your own.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2019, 03:05:25 am by Eldkatten »


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Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition for Android
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2019, 05:17:43 pm »
Wow - I had not really expected the negative reaction to this.

The game itself is different from most Android games.  It is an Android port of a game that plays native under Windows, Mac and X86 Linux.  It is HIGHLY keyboard bound.  When it was ported to Android by BeamDog, there was a lot of questions of, "Well, OK but why?  It can't play properly on a phone or even a tablet without a keyboard?"

There are still (tens of?) thousands of people who play this game regularly on persistent worlds.  Those worlds often require a 'check in' of sorts where if you don't log in periodically you can loose things like housing (the PWs can get VERY involved).  In order to interact with the game, the keyboard is used heavily - not something that is workable on pop-up keyboards that cover graphics.

There is currently NO other device than the Gemini that can play this game properly and still fit in a normal pocket.  When I figured this out, I had an "oh wow!" moment and thought it should be shared here - that this one really DOES work with the Gemini - and works very well.  The Gemini does get warm while playing it - and it's likely a battery hog.

If you're not into gaming, fine.  But this was not meant as an advertisement.  I have no financial interests in this.  But - if even a handful of people wind up buying Gemini phones based on it's ability to play this game, that is all for the better, right?  So, if anything, I'm promoting the Gemini (again, no financial gains for me).

And yes, I consider this to be a killer app for the Gemini - because it is the only device made that can do this game justice.  There is no competition to the Gemini for this niche of people who play this game and would like to be able to 'check in' from something that they can also use as a phone.

I had never thought that I would have to defend a post here for presenting an additional use case where the Gemini excels due to it's technical features.


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Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition for Android
« Reply #7 on: February 16, 2019, 06:43:32 pm »
Grench, there was only one post-er that disapproved. Everybody else was glad for the information, myself included, and I don't even game

I wouldn't worry about it,


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Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition for Android
« Reply #8 on: March 06, 2019, 06:57:02 pm »
Agree Grench. I'm all for different opinions and people discussing what is and what isn't relevant in a forum. But when a poster uses words such as "childish" and "stupid" to attack a perfectly relevant post, I would just ignore them. There are always going to be trolls and haters. As a wise woman once said - "Shake it off"


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Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition for Android
« Reply #9 on: March 14, 2019, 10:40:18 pm »
It runs on the gemini, but its a bit slow.  I had a couple hundred hours in on the desktop version (one of the greatest CRPG RP sandboxes ever made imo) about a decade.5 ago when it came out.  Worth having it on the phone for the nostalgia value alone. . Here's a ring of +1 endorsement.  
« Last Edit: March 14, 2019, 10:41:22 pm by shinkamui »