Three decades ago my Dad bought a ZX80 assembly book. After spending a long time in a cupboard he made an office, having almost finished writing a word processor from scratch, a bug evaded him in the huge roll of dot matrix printout; still love that noise; of lines and lines of assembly. Unfortunately he lost interest in software.
I've researched computer science quite a lot, yet still know so little. No piece of hardware gave me the bug, the one that draws you in and won't let go. That was, until I saw the Planet Gemini PDA. After two years of pining I took the plunge during the recent Black Friday sale. I am in love. I wish to know Planet's Gemini PDA as well as my Dad knew the ZX80; Computer Science, ARM Assembly, and C. Then write open source software and firmware.
I am aware of the enormity of this task, especially as smartphone chip set manufacturers seem to care little about customers who wish to understand the product they own. The word 'proprietary' makes me want to scream, "I just want to understand how your firmware works so I can develop for this device! How can one ethically own mathematics!?", and wise crack about Einstein or Newton making their calculations proprietary.
At the same time modernity does have its benefits; internet communities, forums, tutorials, GitHub, Stack Overflow, GNU, Linux, DEF CON, etc; luxuries my father didn't have. So, getting to the point, I write this to introduce myself to the community, share my goals, ask for pointers, and use this thread as a place to amalgamate as much information as I can on Planet's Gemini PDA hardware, the Realtek chip set, ARM chipsets in general, modems. Though all pie in the sky pipe dreams at the moment I will do my best and see what I come up with.
I got in touch with Realtek to see if they would send me the data sheets for the chip set, they advised they only give them to customers who buy in large quantities, so I should ask Planet Computers as they will have them and might be willing to share. I have emailed PC, though they stated they were busy at the moment; understandably with the Cosmo being released; and my request will be handed to a developer. I live in hope.
Another route may be to get my hands on the data sheets for the Realtek X20 MT6351 Development Board. As apparently it is very similar to the X27 board, though I will need someone who knows their stuff to verify that.
Finally, to sign off, run it up the flagpole and see, who salutes,
"They're trashing our rights man!
They're trashing the flow of data!
They're Trashing! Trashing! Trashing!!
Hack the PLANET!!!"
Yours Faithfully,