Author Topic: Verizon  (Read 2794 times)


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« on: November 29, 2019, 08:03:39 pm »
I purchased the Verizon Edition because I wanted to use the device with my existing Verizon account.  It did not work as the ID was not recognized as a supported Verizon device.  I suspect that certification is not yet completed, that they were hoping that it would happen before the devices arrived in the USA.  Has anyone else tried to connect to Verizon?  What was your experience?


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« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2019, 08:19:18 pm »
My Verizon experience has been less than ideal so far...

popped the sim in, and all seems well on the surface.

then i noticed calling doesnt work... apparently this is a somewhat common issue on other phones. googling around revealed that going to settings->network->mobile network->advanced-> and disabling Enhanced 4G LTE mode fixed that.

then i noticed that i am constantly going on roaming... without even leaving verizons network (phone reports i am still using verizon wireless in the pulldown menu), and im not moving around. just sitting at home or in my office. like 50/50 ill be on roaming. whilst on roaming, i cant seem to send or receive texts. i called verizon about this, and they were of little help, saying this was an issue planet would have to resolve. as a work around for the messages not coming through, the recommended i download their Verizon messaging app (which you can find on the app store) it looks like that may have fixed the issue of no texts while roaming, but now i dont get texts until i open the app. this sounds suspiciously like some of the issues others have been having with duraspeed, so i have just disabled that, and have my fingers crossed.

Something is definitely odd with the sim. if i go to settings->network->sim cards and select the card,the sim name is Verizon, but the carrier is listed as Sprint... i got this sim directly from the Verizon store, so i am inclined to believe this is a software issue. i also was searching for APN settings to try tweaking them around, but it seems they are not accessible? supposedly Settings > Network & Internet > Mobile network. > Advanced > Access point names is where they live on android 9, but after selecting advanced, i see no option for access point names. frustrating.
« Last Edit: December 07, 2019, 10:04:16 pm by ianisthewalrus »


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« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2019, 04:27:51 am »
Anyone else having Verizon issues? In the same (maybe only similar?) situation. First, my SIM is recognized by the phone as a sprint SIM. Fair. It was about 5 years old, and frankly I don't know what has changed over the years. I loaded it back into my note 8 and headed up to the Verizon store to get a newer one. Same issue.

Whats happening for me, as a result, is constant tower jumping, my Cosmo telling me I'm roaming while also telling me I'm on a Verizon tower (some times). When I can connect to any tower, it's at best 50/50 if I'll have data, texting, and calling.

I suspect phone-side, the APNs need tweaking. However, being Verizon, the SIM card locks that out. To the point that APNs aren't in the settings. I rooted the phone, in hopes of finding some way around this. Followed several tutorials online to get APN settings back, but Magisk, being a systemless root, no methods stick.

I've also started using the built-in Engineer Mode - the good one - to try tweaking antenna /receiver settings. Able to jump through different network types and world modes. It can help at times, for short periods, but I suspect the temporary resolution is due more to the power-cycling of the receiver that is involved with some of these setting changes.

All said, I love this phone. Just looking forward to getting it to work right with Verizon.


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« Reply #3 on: December 11, 2019, 10:06:03 am »
AFAIK any mobile device, certified by Verizon, which supports IMS (which is the case for both the Cosmo and the Gemini; they both support VoLTE voice calls, which uses IMS) must use "ims" as the APN, and no other APN is allowed. That's the reason why smartphones designed to use that network have it set by default, and why it can't be changed.

To check what APN is being used, in case no app is able to display it, you could try (on your rooted system) to send the following AT command:


To send it, you might try to use Termux, install Minicom on it and run it on the /dev/radio/pttycmd1 serial port, though I'm not sure if the serial port name is the same as on the Gemini. Otherwise, on some smartphones the Engineering Mode has an AT commands client, though it's not available on the Gemini.

For anyone interested in the specification with this requirement:, chapter

Planet Gemini PDA WiFi/LTE with Mediatek x27
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« Reply #4 on: December 11, 2019, 06:02:20 pm »
Quote from: Varti
AFAIK any mobile device, certified by Verizon, which supports IMS (which is the case for both the Cosmo and the Gemini; they both support VoLTE voice calls, which uses IMS) must use "ims" as the APN, and no other APN is allowed. That's the reason why smartphones designed to use that network have it set by default, and why it can't be changed.

To check what APN is being used, in case no app is able to display it, you could try (on your rooted system) to send the following AT command:


To send it, you might try to use Termux, install Minicom on it and run it on the /dev/radio/pttycmd1 serial port, though I'm not sure if the serial port name is the same as on the Gemini. Otherwise, on some smartphones the Engineering Mode has an AT commands client, though it's not available on the Gemini.

For anyone interested in the specification with this requirement:, chapter


Thanks Varti! Appreciate it! I'm currently fighting an eternal boot loop from the firmware update, but once I can break free, I'll give it a shot!



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« Reply #5 on: December 11, 2019, 06:49:46 pm »
sadly, the cosmo is not certified by verizon.... at least yet. every time i am contacting support, its "wait... what phone do you have? oh, we only have minimal support because it is not certified." their system is also a little odd. i had to convince them to just give me a sim card and see if it worked, because they have no way of setting the phone up or configuring it in their system. to them, there is no such thing as a cosmo communicator.

i remember seeing about a week ago someone saying in the comments of the indiegogo campaign that they were working with verizons high level support on going thru some process to hopefully get it certified. for whatever that is worth.

oh yeah, and i THINK turning duraspeed off fixed my issue with message+. i havnt been doing a ton of texting, but i have got every text in a timely manner, not when i open the app since i disabled it.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2019, 08:18:50 pm by ianisthewalrus »