Since random alphabetic keys don’t work in KDE Plasma yet, I’ve been having a go of optimizing the LXQt environment for use. Here’s what I have so far:
1. Mapped the lxqt-runner app to Alt+Space. This is in LXQt Configuration -> Shortcut Keys -> Show/hide runner dialog. With this key remap, you can instantly launch any program with just 2 or three keystrokes.
Remapped the KWin window manager to have shortcuts for the most common functions. I’ve set Close to Alt+C, Minimize to Alt+M, and Maximize to Alt+X. I also added Alt+R and Alt+L to Quick Tile windows to the right and left sides of the screen. I also set Ctrl+Space to acticate a given window’s operations menu.
KWin has scores of other functions that can be mapped. Do this by going to KDE System Settings -> Shortcuts -> Global Shortcuts.
2. Since you can’t click the taskbar buttons to switch tasks easily, I’ve made it so that tapping on a window’s title bar lowers the window and shows the one underneath it for quick access. This is another KWin setting. Activate any window’s system menu and then choose More Actions -> Window Manager Settings -> Actions.
3. Achieve visual consistency between GTK and Qt apps by going to the KDE System Settings -> Application Style -> GNOME Application Style.
You only have a limited selection of styles to choose from by default but you can set the Breeze and Breeze Dark themes.
4. Install Konsole, a super powerful terminal app that leaves QTerminal in the dust: sudo apt install konsole
5. Install some better icon sets. Get some at or by going to KDE System Settings -> Icons -> Get new Theme
6. Install Yakuake, a drop down terminal that you can recall at a keypress: sudo apt install yakuake. It will give you the option to choose its hotkey the first time you launch it. Make it start up on login in the LXQt Configuration Center -> Session Settings
7. Add some Quick Launch icons. Call up the LXQt main menu at the bottom of the screen and the drag and drop any of the apps you want into the empty space to the left of the taskbar
8. Enable KWin's software compositor. It isn't as good as native OpenGL but KWin has a software rendering feature for graphical acceleraion that works pretty well for transparency and faster window movements. Turn this on in the KWin Settings mentioned above under the Compositor section. WARNING: Make sure not to enable OpenGL rendering as this will make your KWin unusuable! Keep the Rendering Backend as XRender in the settings.
9. Install the LXQt image viewer which is absent in the default Debian image: sudo apt install lxqt-image. This will enable you to take screenshots with Function + R.