Author Topic: Gemian wonˋt boot anymore.  (Read 2315 times)


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Gemian wonˋt boot anymore.
« on: December 06, 2021, 05:56:54 am »
Hi Cosmo Friends,

it just happened the second time: my gemian partition won‘t boot anymore. It starts with the logo and reboots before the login screen in a loop. The first time I completely reinstalled Linux, because I thought I have messed up something. But now I know the only thing I have done is not using Linux for a while. After that time it does not boot anymore. Is there any repair option or safe boot into Gemini? Why does it happens so often? Is my flash memory corrupted? I tried to flash only the boot partition, but it has to do with the data partition. So because it is decrypted I can’t repair it from TWRP, either?

Thank you


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Re: Gemian wonˋt boot anymore.
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2021, 09:02:15 am »
Ok, got it!

Installed Linux Deploy under Android and chrooted into Gemini. Than I removed the complete /data/.stowaway folder from my Sailfish installation. Gemini is booting again! Didn‘t notice that the stowaway folder causes such a problem!

Thanks anyway :)