Author Topic: [WANTED] Cheap Cosmo for spare parts  (Read 2854 times)


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[WANTED] Cheap Cosmo for spare parts
« on: November 25, 2021, 01:10:19 pm »
Must have the keycap "M" (which I lost accidentally) and working hinges (plastic parts). Preferably an otherwise broken and cheap one... ☯. I live in Finland.

I'm waiting for the Astro, but would still like to keep my Cosmo working...

BTW. Hinges have been repaired by Planet already twice. I've been handling the device carefully, but maybe my opening technique (squeezing the device so that hinges wouldn't 'snap') puts more tension to the plastic parts.

Pikku-iikka (alias Little Ike - 194 cm / 130 kg)
Planet Cosmo Communicator
Samsung Note 8, Jolla Phone (Sailfish), Nokia N9 (Meego)
Raspberry Pi 4B / RetroPie setup emulating Amiga.