Author Topic: Current use of Gemini?  (Read 5583 times)


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Current use of Gemini?
« on: March 26, 2024, 04:42:07 pm »
Hi, everybody!

Still have my Gemini. Still mint, still works perfectly. Just got it out, fired it up. Single boot to Debian. Everything is of course outdated, with no hope of easy upgrade. I may try to get Proton VPN running on it, using the old OpenVPN recipe.

Thought I would check and see if anyone has come up with new and imaginative use for the Gemini. I kind of like the little guy (except for the carefully sharpened hinge ends) and would like to put it to use. If cellular had ever been made to work reliably I'd spring a few bucks a month for Mint Mobile or something for it.

Anybody cook up anything interesting for the Gemini?

Atari Portfolio (yes, it still works and yes, I bought it new)
Libretto 110 CT (with docking station and all kinds of PCMCIA stuff)
And, now, a Gemini and, fortunately, a GPD Pocket


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Re: Current use of Gemini?
« Reply #1 on: March 26, 2024, 06:05:11 pm »
I just got exagear working on Gemian. Dunno if x-86 apps are of interest to you, but Word 97 (my all-time favorite wp) runs swimmingly on Gemian once past
97's slow start. exagear is now licensed abandonware, but the wget patch makes it run without problem:

Let me know if this is something you want because sources.list in the exagear container needs some tinkering.


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Re: Current use of Gemini?
« Reply #2 on: November 22, 2024, 12:50:03 am »
I tried repurposing mine into a linux based device after I quit using it as a phone. Couldn't get the bluetooth working easily and kinda gave up.
Flash forward a couple years and I find the battery bulging out of the case. Any normal phone I might have chucked at that point, but for the Gemini I risked removing the battery so I could keep the phone. Think I damaged the connector in the process, not that it matters.
Someday I'll put her on a display shelf with my typewriter and telegraph key and VCR to tell the grand kids about a different time...I guess its last use is as a conversation piece. RIP.


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Re: Current use of Gemini?
« Reply #3 on: December 04, 2024, 01:31:31 am »
The most recent Sailfish OS update from this year is the final one. This is the most up to date you can go in terms of "official" support for the Gemini by the Jolla folks. It may last into late 2025, then it will become outdated...

I was playing with the thought to revive the Linux kernel porting for it... but it may not be worth considering most users have moved on and the battery issues etc.
« Last Edit: December 04, 2024, 02:42:23 am by greguu »
Gemini-PDA (Sailfish X and Android) / LG Nexus 5 (Android 11) / Nokia N9 (MeeGo/Harmattan)
Sharp Zaurus C3100 (Borzoi) - Void Linux (voidz) Kernel 5.0.0 - Hardware (Buffalo CF LAN, DLink 660 CF WiFi, ASIX AX88772 USB Ethernet)


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Re: Current use of Gemini?
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2024, 05:29:03 pm »
One of my workaround batteries wouldn't charge in the Cosmo but managed to fry the charging system of my Gem.

Oh, well. While the PinePhone and its physical kb don't come close to the Psion-y kb of the G and C, the PP's battery is easily found and replaceable, and I'm running a full Manjaro on it with Box86 for x86 apps, and a data-only SIM card. I can get by on the kb, and its Linux is robust.

As for a daily phone, I tried the fxtec Pro1x, but had all kinds of cellular problems (so do most users), so that's been regulated to efficient PDA status--now I use a refurbed Samsung Fold 3, which grows on me. The interior screen can split into an upper screen of text, etc and the lower screen is a full kb. I still hate an on-screen kb, but this is the best approach so far.

Dunno if anybody has seen this:

Still has the scent of vaporware, and I certainly didn't back it, but if it comes to fruition, I'll be interested in the reviews.
