Author Topic: Looking for Guidance on Improving Sharp Zaurus SL-C860 Linux Configuration  (Read 8014 times)


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Hello Everyone,

I'm eager to interact with other Sharp Zaurus series fans by joining this forum! I recently purchased a Zaurus SL-C860, and I've been learning about the different Linux distributions that work with it. I've been playing with OpenZaurus and pdaXrom, but I'm hoping to obtain some advice on how to best optimise the configuration for contemporary usage.

I want advice specifically on the following:

  • The best ways to optimise performance when partitioning and configuring the filesystem.
  • Suggested apps for editing documents and surfing the web on the Zaurus.
  • Any advice on how to keep the gadget safe when it's online?
  • Possible improvements or adjustments to the hardware to improve performance.

I'm also interested in the development tools that the community uses most frequently to code straight on the device. Any recommendations would be much valued!

I'm looking forward to learning more from this active community and hearing from seasoned users! Thanks in advance for your time.


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Re: Looking for Guidance on Improving Sharp Zaurus SL-C860 Linux Configuration
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2024, 01:40:09 am »
Hey, this belongs more into the Zaurus sections of this forum...

But to give some feedback, the SL-C860 has not seen any support for a long time. The options with OE and pdaXrom are your best bet atm if you want to run something at all. It wont be secure or up to date !

The SL-C1000  and SL-C3X00 series has still some "recent" support and options to build up to date linux packages and use it securely.

I had plans to play with the SL-C-XX0 models and revive them but there is no real demand, apart from the odd request like this ;)

Gemini-PDA (Sailfish X and Android) / LG Nexus 5 (Android 11) / Nokia N9 (MeeGo/Harmattan)
Sharp Zaurus C3100 (Borzoi) - Void Linux (voidz) Kernel 5.0.0 - Hardware (Buffalo CF LAN, DLink 660 CF WiFi, ASIX AX88772 USB Ethernet)