Sorry guys... sometimes I forget about dial-up woes, and just throw up a bunch of crap on the site.
I\'ve made a few changes, mostly moved a couple blocks (calendar, stats, maps) to the right side. And now there should only be the main ZUG Menu block on the left (unless you aren\'t logged in!). This should help because when you\'re in the forum, the right blocks aren\'t displayed, so there will be less to load.
I\'ve changed the default setting for only 5 news articles to load on the home page. I think by default your personal settings are set at 10. You can change them by going to My Account -] Change homepage, then change it to whatever number you want. You can even select to only have 1 news article show. That will reduce the amount that needs to be loaded on the homepage.
Other than that, the forum itself is very lean. No fancy graphics or anything.
Hope this helps the dial-up users, and all.
Please keep the suggestions coming!