- Having lived in both the US and Germany, here is the short version of the different systems.
- Yes, the post can be a bit expensive here. But I am sometimes very amazed at how fast you can get mail here.
- I am not sure if you can even use Paypal in Germany (register for it here??)
- Most transactions here are done by bank transfers (Ãœberweisung) You can do it from your bank website or from an ATM, it costs little or nothing, and is very secure.
- You type in your account and bank number, the amount that you want to send, and that is about it. Money is sent.
- Everything gets done this way. Bill payment, online sales, rent payment (everything you would do with a check in the US)
- There is just no need for Paypal if you have a system like this. Paypal fills the gap because in the US a system like this does not exists (you can do a money transfer, but it costs a bit)
- Checks are almost never used (I have NEVER used a check here to think of it)
- Credit cards are rarely used. Even big stores don't always accept credit cards (usually don't). Restaurants only sometimes (many only accept cash)
- Hotels and car rental companies (touristy places) do accept credit cards, but that is about it.
- In place of credit cards there is what is called an EC card (European Currency). More like a debit card, as the money is deducted from your account immediately. This is also just used for commerce in businesses. You cannot pay your neighbor with an EC card (never tried....)
- Cash is still king. You can pay a hotel room in cash, rent a car with cash (don't think you can do that in the US with cash. Need a credit or check card)
- So basically two different systems.
- If you need help paying some auctions, let me know.