Author Topic: c860 music player not seeing unicode files  (Read 1220 times)


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c860 music player not seeing unicode files
« on: September 06, 2004, 10:12:11 am »

I was fiddling around with NFS with my C860. IT sort of works, but not to my liking.
I set up my NFS server on a windows machine using cygwin from the guide

Once set up, I can use my cacko 1.21b C860 to mount filesystem. Using a console, I can cd into the directory, and see all files (even unicode files). However, this is the problem:

1. Music player on C860 file browser will just ignore any NFS mounted files or directories that have unicode charaters.

2. I tried using mplayer to play those files, and failed.

Can anyone tell me what I did wrong ?


Zaurus SL-C860, Cacko 1.21B
Bluemonkey BT CF card, Origo Wifi CF
512MB Sandisk CF, 256MB Lexar CF
256MB Lexar SD
openssh, vncserver, chinese fonts installed.