You can encode dvds using dvdrip in Mandrake 10.0. (There are a million dependencies, but if you take them one at a time, you can cut and paste the required files in until you have them all.) Dvdrip will fairly automatically rip the vob files, and you can set them to 320 x 240 resolution, and sound at 96 kbps mp3, normalized using the xvid or divx encoding. I set the file size to 236 MB and have downloaded tkcvideo (pay software , about $20.00, but pretty nice). On my sl_5600 the resulting files play very nicely. There is some blockiness, but audio/video sync is very good.
Also, in a Windows (XP) environment, I downloaded Fair Use (also pay software about $13.00 or 10 euros) and DvdDecrypt (free). Using the same video settings (320 x 240 resolution, 96 kbps mp3, xvid, and file size limit of 236 MB provides a video that has better video quality (not as much blockiness) than Dvdrip provides, BUT the audio/video sync is off a little. I want to experiment with different settings to get a more optimal playback. I intend to try a lower kbps audio mp3 setting to see what happens. This takes a few hours to do, or I would simply have already done this before posting. This is just to let you know that *fair* video playback is possible without much effort so far. Also both Linux and Windows programs involve setting the same settings each time, so they are pretty much "start them and come back later to finished video" solutions.
Please note again that I use tkcvideo (pay software) for video playback.