Author Topic: Movies  (Read 6884 times)


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« on: October 09, 2004, 01:47:29 pm »
I for one am getting tired of converting my movies into zaurus user format. So I propose this. We adopt a certain p2p client prefix the name of our zaurus movies with (zaurusmovie) and then if we want to watch a movie that we legitamally? own and don't want the hassle of conversion its only a case of simple p2p....or if you prefer torrent.

Obviously this is open to abuse but hey......


how about " Ares " ?

ps please don't ban me.
c750. Cacko Qt elena


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« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2004, 02:06:01 pm »
I for one am getting tired of converting my movies into zaurus user format. So I propose this. We adopt a certain p2p client prefix the name of our zaurus movies with (zaurusmovie) and then if we want to watch a movie that we legitamally? own and don't want the hassle of conversion its only a case of simple p2p....or if you prefer torrent.

Obviously this is open to abuse but hey......


how about " Ares " ?

ps please don't ban me.

I think a bettter and safer idea is to simply see if anyone knows of a ONE-STEP solution to coverting a DVD to an AVI (5500) or .WMV (CX00).

Converting movies  would be no big deal if there was just a process like:

1) Drop DVD (gently ) into DVD player.
2) Run program XYZ (That may need to be configured once).
3) Come back 4 hours later and an AVI or WMV file is waiting for you.

Optional 4) Configurable to handle a LIST of DVD so when done the DVD drawer is open and waiting for the next movie.  You take out the DVD and goto step 1.

Anybody got the process down to this simplicity?  I heard Gordian Knot was supposed to be a one-stop solution though i have never tried it.
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« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2004, 02:39:32 pm »
Tell me about it...I use wmv encoder....sometimes I get a good result ...others I come back 4 hours later and I've got such poor quallity I have to start all over....coupled with the fact that my pc is vurtually useless while doing the encoding and imagining that 1000 people are doing exactly the same as me,  I just think there has to be a better way.


it would be nice to have a centralised resource( or de-centralised)
c750. Cacko Qt elena


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« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2004, 02:49:30 pm »
As nice as it would be to have a big collection of movies for the Zaurus already converted, it would be quite the legal battle keeping it on.  The MPAA would have c&d letters on us so quick we wouldn't know what hit us.
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« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2004, 03:27:51 pm »
I guess that's why I'm suggesting a decentralised p2p network as distribution with an easy standardised search term to sift the chaff as it were.

Again I understand that this is open to abuse but in some ways it just makes sense to me......If you own the movie then by dl/ul to someone who owns the movie then you haven't done anything wrong....maybe I'm just a dreamer

c750. Cacko Qt elena


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« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2004, 05:55:14 pm »
doesnt it allready play divx movies


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« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2004, 06:03:03 pm »
I for one am getting tired of converting my movies into zaurus user format. So I propose this. We adopt a certain p2p client prefix the name of our zaurus movies with (zaurusmovie) and then if we want to watch a movie that we legitamally? own and don't want the hassle of conversion its only a case of simple p2p....or if you prefer torrent.

Obviously this is open to abuse but hey......


how about " Ares " ?

ps please don't ban me.

I think a bettter and safer idea is to simply see if anyone knows of a ONE-STEP solution to coverting a DVD to an AVI (5500) or .WMV (CX00).

Converting movies  would be no big deal if there was just a process like:

1) Drop DVD (gently ) into DVD player.
2) Run program XYZ (That may need to be configured once).
3) Come back 4 hours later and an AVI or WMV file is waiting for you.

Optional 4) Configurable to handle a LIST of DVD so when done the DVD drawer is open and waiting for the next movie.  You take out the DVD and goto step 1.

Anybody got the process down to this simplicity?  I heard Gordian Knot was supposed to be a one-stop solution though i have never tried it.

Can Zaurus decode DivX?  I've used Dr.DivX and it works well as a one step solution, but I haven't researched what types of movies the Z can handle (I'm running latest Cacko).


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« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2004, 10:59:27 pm »
You can encode dvds using dvdrip in Mandrake 10.0. (There are a million dependencies, but if you take them one at a time, you can cut and paste the required files in until you have them all.) Dvdrip will fairly automatically rip the vob files, and you can set them to 320 x 240 resolution, and sound at 96 kbps mp3, normalized using the xvid or divx encoding. I set the file size to 236 MB and have downloaded tkcvideo (pay software , about $20.00, but pretty nice). On my sl_5600 the resulting files play very nicely. There is some blockiness, but audio/video sync is very good.

Also, in a Windows (XP) environment, I downloaded Fair Use (also pay software about $13.00 or 10 euros) and DvdDecrypt (free). Using the same video settings (320 x 240 resolution, 96 kbps mp3, xvid, and file size limit of 236 MB provides a video that has better video quality (not as much blockiness) than Dvdrip provides, BUT the audio/video sync is off a little. I want to experiment with different settings to get a more optimal playback. I intend to try a lower kbps audio mp3 setting to see what happens. This takes a few hours to do, or I would simply have already done this before posting. This is just to let you know that *fair* video playback is possible without much effort so far. Also both Linux and Windows programs involve setting the same settings each time, so they are pretty much "start them and come back later to finished video" solutions.

Please note again that I use tkcvideo (pay software) for video playback.
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« Reply #8 on: October 12, 2004, 09:03:51 pm »
I don't know much about DVD ripping, but DVDShrink ( is really popular among the people I know that rip DVDs.

I don't use Windows all that much, so I don't know how well it works.


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« Reply #9 on: October 16, 2004, 12:41:17 pm »
Last time I posted here I was investigating compiling MySQL 4.x ... then came a slight surprise - my first daughter born 6 weeks early! So that kinda got put on hold. 8o)

So here I am catching up on what I missed.

Just wanted to say that I also have had good results with DrDivX. As an experiment a while back, I downloaded a divx of Star Wars from bittorrent, originally encoded at 640 x whatever and re-encoded at 320 x whatever, and it plays brilliantly.

What's frustrating me now are silly little problems with the video players.

tkcVideo plays well, but if I try to fast forward, two things happen. First of all a ghost of the frame that was being displayed at the instant I started fast forwarding stays displayed as the video continues resumes playing, and stays there forever, and secondly the audion sync goes to hell at this point as well.

Kino2 works very well, but when I show the video full screen, and because its widescreen format and thus not 320 high, the video is displayed with a white stripe abive and below, which I find very distracting.

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« Reply #10 on: March 15, 2006, 09:59:42 am »
mencoder and mplayer are really good console encoding and playback tools. Of course they are command-line, but with the right parameters, you can encode divx or mpeg movies resized to 640x480 with 500Kbs bitrate and limited sound for playback on the zaurus.

You can encode directly from your DVD in one simple command. You might even want to add a copy to zaurus call once the encoding is done.

If anyone is interested, I can put up some windows .bat files with "somewhat" optimal settings to rip from a DVD or actual .avi or .mpg file.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2006, 10:00:34 am by mbaush »
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« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2006, 11:51:56 pm »
dvdshrink makes nice backups/isos. No idea if it rips to a single  avi file

I,ve had good luckmaking high res files with dvdrip then crunching 'em down in avidemux2
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« Reply #12 on: March 16, 2006, 04:50:59 am »
If anyone is interested, I can put up some windows .bat files with "somewhat" optimal settings to rip from a DVD or actual .avi or .mpg file.

Hi mbaush I think everybody would be interested in getting the command line you are using. The only problem will be to find the correct resolution/bitrate by Zaurus model... just a matter of tests
« Last Edit: March 16, 2006, 04:52:25 am by LeTic »
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« Reply #13 on: March 16, 2006, 12:39:33 pm »
I've been using PSPVideo9 forever to do everything I need.  It creates an mp4 file.  The only manual thing I have to do is rename the file, as the filenames are saved in Sony's format.

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« Reply #14 on: March 16, 2006, 12:53:30 pm »
There's already an article on mencoder:

Here's my own .bat scripts for outputting the best playback quality/encoding speed for my Zaurus SL-C3000 on WindowsXP:

To encode an existing file using the syntax : enc movie.avi
This will create Zmovie.avi, the compressed movie file.

Code: [Select]
mencoder %1 -ffourcc DX50 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=500 -vf crop=640:480:0:0 -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=mp2:abitrate=64 -o Z%1 %2
To encode a movie directly from a DVD source (that you own due to legal stuff) :

Code: [Select]
mencoder dvd://1 -ffourcc DX50 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=500 -vf crop=640:480:40:0 -oac lavc -lavcopts acodec=mp2:abitrate=64 -o Zdvd.avi %2
Those settings are pretty much the fastest I got to encode movies and the fastest playback on the zaurus using mplayer. You can tweak the bitrate to get better quality or remove the crop and use
Code: [Select]
-vf scale=640:480 to simply scale the full frames (slower encoding)

Note that mplayer playback of a movie with a bitrate beyond 500 was resulting in frame drops. I guess 500 is the best you can get for 640x480.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2006, 12:54:13 pm by mbaush »
Zaurus SL-C3000, Cacko