I have compiled and packaged libpcap0.8.3, tcpdump-3.8.3, and nmap-3.70 for Sharp ROMs. All dependencies are on my feed. Here is some info on the packages:
Package: tcpdump
Version: 3.8.3-1
Depends: libpcap0.8
Installed-Size: 421k
Description: TCPDump network traffic capture tool.
This package contains the tcpdump network traffic dumper
compiled for Sharp Zaurus ROM images.
Package: libpcap0.8
Version: 0.8.3-1
Size: 117354
Description: System interface for user-level packet capture
libpcap (Packet CAPture) provides a portable framework for low-level
network monitoring. Applications include network statistics collection,
security monitoring, network debugging, etc.
Package: libpcap0.8-dev
Version: 0.8.3-1
Architecture: any
Depends: libpcap0.8
Size: 11178
Description: Development library and header files for libpcap 0.8
Headers, static libraries, and documentation for the libpcap library.
Package: nmap
Version: 3.70-1
Depends: libstdc++2.10-glibc2.2, openssl
Installed-Size: 1471k
Description: The NMAP Network Scanner.
This package contains then nmap network scanner compiled for
Sharp Zaurus ROM images.
http://www.bryandeluca.com/feedThese packages are working for me on my c860 with Cacko 1.21b. No guarantees or warranties, etc, but I would like to know if you run into any problems with them.