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Gemini PDA - Linux / Modern Debian
« Last post by AnotherLinuxUser on April 21, 2024, 09:25:07 pm »
I tried to do a partial upgrade from Debian 9 to Debian 10 so that I could then resolve any kind of package conflicts to do a full upgrade.  The partial upgrade was successful but I got the same problem as others have when they tried to upgrade to Debian 10.  I figured out what had happened.  I remotely control my Gemini PDA via ssh and edited the xorg.conf file.  It looks like something surrounding the 'hwcomposer' driver is failing with Xorg as using 'fbdev' gets me a screen.  I had to also use 'xdm' instead of 'sddm' as 'sddm' failed to load.  I'm going to look into this further, but it looks like the Xorg fork being used to get 'glamor' rendering with the 'hwcomposer' method is failing severely and it seems to be very outdated.  Maybe a Wayland desktop environment that supports 'hwcomposer' might help with this.

I'm unsure if Gemian uses a heavily modified version of Halium or just the Halium initramfs.

As far as the kernel goes, I tried to bring the vendor code over to AOSP 4.4 and it's quite a lot to say the least.  I postponed it for now though.  It may not even work at the end of it all, who knows though!
Yes I factory reset and a month later booted up set the language and the battery had the same percentage as  a month ago, then factory reset and power off. Two months wait next time and 1% less so now just boot up every couple of months to check still around 40-50% and if below top up. But so it should be, given that is how it would sit in a box until sold initially.
Have you actually tried that? Do I have to factory-reset the device each time I check the battery level?
Gemini PDA - Linux / worth picking up a Gemini PDA today (2024) for Linux ?
« Last post by TheNetEffect on April 19, 2024, 06:49:20 am »
I already have a Cosmo but was considering picking up a Gemini to install Kali - is that still worth it / a viable option today ?
I think the best way is to put it in the same state as a new one ie factory reset and power down then power per engage will hardly alter after months switched off.
Astro Slide - Hardware / Re: Keyboard-map
« Last post by LinuxGuy on April 19, 2024, 04:36:42 am »
Hi Zimbix

Thanks for your reply.
I never thought of this option, as the astro is such an exotic device. One of the tiny conductors on the mat got interrupted by the key

But it worth a try, in my town there is a repair shop - I will report, what they say.
Astro Slide - Hardware / Re: Keyboard-map
« Last post by ZimbiX on April 18, 2024, 11:45:44 pm »
Have you asked a phone repair shop if it's repairable?
Astro Slide - Hardware / Keyboard-mat
« Last post by LinuxGuy on April 18, 2024, 03:27:03 pm »

I am using my astro as a daily driver and i am quite happy with it. UNfortunately, the ESC key once got stuck and perforated 2 connection on the keyboard mat. Thus, ESC and 1 key do not work anymore. As a workaround, I remapped ! and 1, but this is not very comfortable.

Is there any way to get hold of a keyboard mat? Any idea about the ODM to ask them directly? Planet, of course, never answered my mail.

A second option for me would be to transplant the mat of my still working cosmo. But before doing so, I would like to have an idea, whether the two are interchangeable? Any hints?

Thanks in advance!
Astro Slide - General Discussion /
« Last post by LinuxGuy on April 18, 2024, 02:15:33 pm »

I wonder were on the site is the astro device hidden? For a lot of devices, there is a subsection, but I cant find anything for the astro. Only the gemini has its subforum.

Any hint?
Thanks for forwarding this news. Sad to see Sailfish support to be ended, but it's understandable given the Gemini's age (it's been already 6 years!).

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