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Messages - tanjian2

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Ubuntu / Zubuntu Performance?
« on: February 02, 2009, 09:47:28 am »
Anyone know  if overclocking is possible with Zubuntu and if so how we can do it? I am keen to make the most of Zubuntu !!

Angstrom & OpenZaurus / How Does Kexecboot Find A Kernel?
« on: January 16, 2009, 09:38:10 am »
This all sounds very useful and interesting. I am currently trying to get zubuntu and pdaxrom to boot on my C3000 (spitz).
Zubuntu works fine from an SD card. Pdaxrom is actually on the microdrive with meanies magic which boots from nand then pivots to the harddrive.
I was wondering if you could help explain why I can't get the pdaxrom to boot properly?


Ubuntu / Running Zubuntu From Internal Memory
« on: January 15, 2009, 11:15:49 am »
Quote from: speculatrix
Quote from: Jon_J
How is booting Cacko from the multiboot menu so different than the method using kexec-tools in Angstrom to boot Cacko?

the multiboot kernel would need to have squashfs or cramfs installed. I'm a little hazy as I havent' run cacko in yonks;

although I have cacko in flash and zubuntu on microdrive, and have put the cacko kernel into /boot so I can kexec it to try and boot cacko, it segfaulted part way in, so the only way I can boot cacko is to flash its kernel. It's a matter of finding the time to have a decent play with it.
Is this true for PdaXrom ? As I understood it Meanies pdaxrom for the C3000 boots of the Nand, mounts the microdrive and then runs up from the microdrive.
Seems simple to add this to the Zubuntu multi boot - I have a /boot directory and the requiste kernel and commandline - however, it just keeps spitting out errors about the file system when it boots.

Sorry for hijacking this thread - should I start another?

Ubuntu / Running Zubuntu From Internal Memory
« on: January 09, 2009, 08:18:40 am »
Regarding C3000 and dual booting Zubuntu and pdaXii13 - I have revert to my pdaxrom and extracted the cmdline from /proc/cmdline.
However, when I go back to using the zubuntu bootloader it still fails boot pdaxrom.
As I understand pdaxrom for the c3000 boots from NAND then mounts the microdrive and continues booting from there. I had hoped to simply skip the NAND bit and have the zubuntu loader boot straight from the microdrive - but I can't get any of these to successfully boot pdaxrom. Has anyone got a C3000 to dual boot with pdaxrom? Can anyone offer any further help or direction?


Ubuntu / Running Zubuntu From Internal Memory
« on: January 07, 2009, 10:15:10 am »
Thanks to everyone for the replies.
I guess I should have read Cortez's blog more closely as he also explains how it all works. Also searched this forum - thanks for bearing with me.
I have created the /boot directory and added the nfo file and zImage.
Not sure yet where to find the command line for pdaxrom.... but booting fails
Why do I need to pass the NAND partition into the kernel - given pdaXrom for the C3000 actually runs of the microdrive - is it sufficient to put the correct kernel in /boot and then set root=/dev/hda1 for the commandline (no it fails too)? The kernel boots but I can not work out what it is looking for and not finding.....
Any more help would be appreciated.

Ubuntu / Running Zubuntu From Internal Memory
« on: January 06, 2009, 12:05:11 pm »
I installed zubuntu - it was so easy. I see from your sig that you have pdaXii13 on the microdrive - is it possible to dual boot this on a C3000? Can you point me at what might need changed to make it happen?
What exactly does and zImage.bin replace on the C3000? Is it the boot loader? How does the new one detect what distros/devices are bootable?

Thanks for all the work on zubuntu.

5x00 Hardware / Lookiing For Wpa Supported Wifi Cf Card That Works
« on: March 05, 2008, 07:53:12 am »
Quote from: Capn_Fish

Those pages have the firmware and instructions. You can use the pdaX kernel I built with r198 ( (it's probably in the "junk" dir)

Also here:

Instructions in that thread as well.

I got the card working with a RAM firmware load. Meanie had already provided the firmware images and I think he may have even loaded them somewhere - but I can't find where just yet.
Anyways now have WPA (via network-cfg).

Thanks for all the pointers.

5x00 Hardware / Lookiing For Wpa Supported Wifi Cf Card That Works
« on: March 04, 2008, 09:21:07 am »
Quote from: Capn_Fish
Another endorsement for the WL-1100C. You just need to make sure it has firmware 1.7.4 or above (most will, mine came with 1.8.2).

If it doesn't, updating the firmware is fairly trivial.

Can you tell me how to (a) find out which firmware I have and ( update the firmware if it is the wrong version.

I have a WL-1100C and am using pdaxii13 (5.5alpha). Current firmware: Prid 1.0.7 and Staid 1.3.6 - have a concern now that I have read round the OESF fora that 1.74 or 1.8 might give me the white screen of death. My card works except for WPA - which I now need of course :-(


General Discussion / New 2.6.24 Kernel Announced
« on: February 15, 2008, 08:14:22 pm »
Announced here:

new kernel

anyone know if this is any use to the Zaurus community?

Accessories / Battery Extenders
« on: January 15, 2008, 04:55:32 am »
I've had a Zap Universal Power supply (blew up with a flash and bang) and a 9800mAh PSP battery - never seemed to hold its charge for too long - currently unable to recharge........
I am still searching for a viable battery source for the Z - preferably just as speculatrix describes +GPS :-)
Seriously though let us know how this thing works out....

Zaurus - pdaXrom / Icewm Woes
« on: November 09, 2007, 03:41:18 pm »
Quote from: Capn_Fish
Maybe the icon is missing? It may also have been removed somehow from the config file (I think one exists).
I sometimes get similiar behaviour by chaning theme in icewm - the start button disappears (or perhaps it is off the left of the screen)?
Changing theme sometimes/often corrects it - and the menu is always available via alt-click.
Perhaps some themes are missing an icon? I might take a look.

good luck.

Debian / Video On Titchylinux
« on: September 29, 2007, 06:39:00 pm »
Quote from: tux
Quote from: dlj0

I must see if I can install gparted and have a look at the partitions, I'm sure that the installation process said something about a swap partition.
Not really.  That's one thing I'd like Neil to fix with his installer, is that it just goes ahead and creates one big partition.  No room for a swap partition, nor for saner partitioning of the drive.

  I'm not sure why you want the installer changed here? One of the later stages of the install process is to partition the disk and as you saw I chose the guded scheme with separate home partition and a swap partition. You can choose to partition under guidance with multi-partitions or even manually and choose whatever scheme you wish.  

Swap is on according to free and top. I'm wrestling with sound now, still haven't got a peep out of it! Using the comment about soundhack and using a sound-problem howto from the Ubuntu forums. Wish me luck.  

I have a sneaky feeling that some brave soul is going to have to recompile Akhty's mplayer and BVDD driver for this distro, to solve the video problem. If it turns out to be be then brave translates into foolhardy!   I'm pretty much a novice at cross compiling!

Why cross compile - surely  Debian must  have a native compiler?
Must admit I use my Z for music ALL the time and so I am holding back on going to Debian until sound gets sorted.
The latest mixer/sound stuff in pdaxii13 is just awesome.

Debian / Debian On C3xxx (merged Topics)
« on: September 20, 2007, 06:48:15 pm »
Cross-compiling using the toolchain in the link above.
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Guess i'll have to get me a debian installation and have a play. Sorry can't help much right now.

Debian / Debian On C3xxx (merged Topics)
« on: September 20, 2007, 06:45:24 pm »
I think so...But my Z won't boot after installing the new kernel, so it may not be useful.

I followed the procedure here:

and copied the modules over (before flashing the kernel). Now when I press the power button, the screen flashes white for a split second, then nothing happens.


EDIT: Yes, there is wm8750 stuff.
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What toolchain are you using? Native or cross compile?
The sound maybe as simple as merging evil_jazz's patches into the wm8750 files - but I'm guessing.

Debian / Debian On C3xxx (merged Topics)
« on: September 20, 2007, 06:30:10 pm »
OK, I'll wait for them to post (please do!).

On a brighter note, I'm getting the kernel to compile properly (a file was broken), so hopefully I be able to test it soon.
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Is there any files relating to wm8750 in the debian kernel source?

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