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Messages - rgzu

Pages: [1] 2 3
General Discussion / Who Uses Ruby?
« on: February 23, 2005, 09:24:08 pm »
Most of these languages are more complex than I need so I was very happy once I managed to get a version of REXX working on my zaurus :-) It even works with visiscript up to a point.

Software / Brandy Bbc Basic Interpreter
« on: December 21, 2004, 09:16:26 am »
For those of you in the UK who remember BBC Basic, I found that brandy, which is a clone of BBC Basic written to run on other systems such as linux, works on the Zaurus. You can get the source code here:

I used the zgcc compiler and had to find a copy of libc_nonshared.a in order to get it working (thanks to mavlosky for that piece of information)

One cool feature is that it can also be used in scripts as well and a very nice structured Basic it is too. Of course it is missing the graphics and built in assembler features in the Linux/Unix version due to the author maximising it's portability.

Software / Undefined Reference To 'stat'
« on: December 20, 2004, 11:42:59 pm »
I managed to extract it from dev_img-1.5 from the Zaurus Software index and place it in /home/QtPalmtop/lib where I made a symbolic link from libc.a. The program that needs it compiles fine.

Software / Undefined Reference To 'stat'
« on: December 20, 2004, 08:59:11 am »
Thanks for the reply. Is there somewhere that I can download this? It appears I do not have this on my device and it is needed by a program I am trying to compile.

5x00 Hardware / Can't Write To Sd Card
« on: December 19, 2004, 03:02:44 pm »
I saw these cards and was thinking of buying one myself, so decided to search this forum just in case and saw your post. I guess I'll pass on this card even though I have a 5500 instead of the 5600. I have noticed that the Zaurus seems to be unconsistant with certain SD cards. As to card manufacturers not following spec, why is that other devices don't seem to have a problem with these same cards?

Software / Undefined Reference To 'stat'
« on: December 19, 2004, 02:03:59 pm »
I am trying to compile a program using the zgcc compiler and get the following error:

undefined reference to 'stat'

Here is a small test program that displays the same error:  


 struct stat buf;
 char *fn;
 int st;
 st = stat( fn, &buf );

I have checked the obvious that stat.h is there and I have searched this forum and the internet and only come across a couple of references to this, but they were both in a foreign languages. Even translated they didn't seemed to make sense although it seems to be a problem with a library missing or incorrect? I am posting here to see if someone can help me out.

I am using a Zaurus 5500 with the sharp 3.13 ROM. Thanks for any help in advance.

General Discussion / Microdrive... And Getting It Out Of The Z
« on: December 14, 2004, 11:25:20 am »
It does make you wonder why they don't fit an 'eject button' like I had on the sleeve for my ipaq 3670 that I used to have. It can't be cost so there must be another reason? Physically impossible to fit one? High mechanical failure rate? or it just slows down the manufacturing process too much to fit?

Software / Rexx Language
« on: December 10, 2004, 08:40:31 am »
Glad I could help!

Yeah I know what you mean, the only two other basic interpreters I found were cocoa basic which was java based and blassic. The first I wasn't impressed with and anyway needs Jeode which takes up a chunk of space itself, and the second was on a site that doesn't seem to exist anymore.

If you want to use a scripting language that's as easy to use as basic, you might want to try REXX which was what started this thread :-)

Software / Rexx Language
« on: December 09, 2004, 11:46:47 pm »

I'm using Sharp ROM 3.1 and it has the dpkg-deb command built in.


Just go here:

At the bottom of the page click on the 'arm' button and choose a download site. The package downloaded is bwbasic_2.20pl2-5_arm.deb

execute the following command at the in the console:

dpkg-deb -x bwbasic_2.20pl2-5_arm.deb <destination directory> I used /mnt/card/bwbasic so I'll use this path in the rest of the example.

which will extract the contents into the /mnt/card/bwbasic

ignore the error message:

dpkg-dev: Cannot create symlink from ./usr/share/man/man1/renum.1.gz to 'bwbasic.1.gz': Operation not permitted

If you go to /mnt/card/bwbasic you will see the following;

/mnt/card/bwbasic/usr/share/doc/bwbasic/examples/<contains example programs>

I just copied the bwbasic binary to a directory in my path ie /usr/local/bin

also when running bwbasic you will find the backspace doesn't work and you will need to enter stty etase ^? if inside the editor of bwbasic if using it in interactive mode.

A list of commands for it can be found here:

Finally I have a couple of decent fun easy to use language interpreters on my Z!

Have fun!

Software / Rexx Language
« on: December 09, 2004, 10:05:41 pm »
It seems that debian site also solved my problem of a basic interpreter for the Zaurus as well.  The programs all seem to have a compiled version for the ARM cpu. I am assuming they are originally meant for ipaqs running linux?

I upacked a version of bywater basic and copied it to the appropriate directory in my path and it runs too. Not quite as versatile as REXX as you can't seem to use it in a script  but still useful to knock up some quick programs nonetheless!

Software / Rexx Language
« on: December 07, 2004, 10:51:25 pm »
I managed to get regina rexx working on my Zaurus! I have python, but I find it's syntax too c like for my taste. I could use it if I needed to too but I much prefer rexx. So being desperate  I decided to see if I could get at the rexx interpreter inside the package and found that I was able to using the following syntax to extract the contents to a directory on my sd card:

dpkg-deb -x regina-rexx_2.2-1_arm.deb /mnt/card/rexx

and it just came up with these errors:

dpkg-deb: Cannot create symlink from
 ./usr/share/man/man1/regina.1.gz to
 'rexx.1.gz': Operation not permitted
dpkg-deb: Cannot create symlink from
 ./usr/share/man/man1/rxstack.1.gz to
 '../man7/undocumented.7.gz': Operation not permitted

dpkg-deb: Cannot create symlink from
 ./usr/share/man/man1/rxqueue.1.gz to
  '../man7/undocumented.7.gz': Operation not permitted

but even so it managed to extract the following contents:


I just copied the contents of /mnt/card/rexx/usr/bin/ to my /usr/local/bin directory!

So far it seems to work fine.

I even used rexx with visiscript although you have to override one of the built in interpreters from the list by just entering rexx as the interpreter when you select one of the others.

General Discussion / Down?
« on: December 05, 2004, 12:40:20 pm »
Thanks SolarX. I guess it is down then.

It's just a site that is linked to for various programs such as blassic etc on the Zaurus Software Index website.

General Discussion / Down?
« on: December 04, 2004, 05:00:57 pm »
Are there any problems with I understand someone in this forum runs the site and would be grateful if they could tell me whether its up and running or not since I have been trying to access it for a week.

I was looking to download blassic and when I goto I get nothing as if the server is down. This happens whether I access it at home, work or whatever so I know its not a computer problem.

This is the point where everyone replies that they can access it fine :-)

Thanks in advance!

Software / Rexx Language
« on: December 03, 2004, 09:12:47 pm »
I use REXX/imc on a Solaris Server and used to program it on a mainframe many years ago. I guess REXX is one of the more obscure languages compared to the more well known PERL and Python, but it will be cool if it eventually does get compiled for the Zaurus.

Software / Rexx Language
« on: November 26, 2004, 11:36:33 pm »

Thanks, I suspected as much.

I have a version for my Pocket PC that works great and very easy to use.  What I like about REXX is that being very BASIC like, it's very easy to knock up some quick programs. I used to love OPL on Psions and REXX language is the nearest thing to a fully featured freeware Basic interpreter. As it seems to be ported to most platforms I thought I'd have a look to see if it had been ported to the Sharp 5500. As it's not available I'll make do with other means but I find REXX far more readable than perl examples I have seen. The same goes for awk.

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