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Topics - rgzu

Pages: [1]
Software / Brandy Bbc Basic Interpreter
« on: December 21, 2004, 09:16:26 am »
For those of you in the UK who remember BBC Basic, I found that brandy, which is a clone of BBC Basic written to run on other systems such as linux, works on the Zaurus. You can get the source code here:

I used the zgcc compiler and had to find a copy of libc_nonshared.a in order to get it working (thanks to mavlosky for that piece of information)

One cool feature is that it can also be used in scripts as well and a very nice structured Basic it is too. Of course it is missing the graphics and built in assembler features in the Linux/Unix version due to the author maximising it's portability.

Software / Undefined Reference To 'stat'
« on: December 19, 2004, 02:03:59 pm »
I am trying to compile a program using the zgcc compiler and get the following error:

undefined reference to 'stat'

Here is a small test program that displays the same error:  


 struct stat buf;
 char *fn;
 int st;
 st = stat( fn, &buf );

I have checked the obvious that stat.h is there and I have searched this forum and the internet and only come across a couple of references to this, but they were both in a foreign languages. Even translated they didn't seemed to make sense although it seems to be a problem with a library missing or incorrect? I am posting here to see if someone can help me out.

I am using a Zaurus 5500 with the sharp 3.13 ROM. Thanks for any help in advance.

General Discussion / Down?
« on: December 04, 2004, 05:00:57 pm »
Are there any problems with I understand someone in this forum runs the site and would be grateful if they could tell me whether its up and running or not since I have been trying to access it for a week.

I was looking to download blassic and when I goto I get nothing as if the server is down. This happens whether I access it at home, work or whatever so I know its not a computer problem.

This is the point where everyone replies that they can access it fine :-)

Thanks in advance!

Software / Rexx Language
« on: November 25, 2004, 12:38:14 pm »
Does anyone know the REXX has ever been ported to the Zaurus 5500? From my searching I would assume not, but sometimes these pieces of software can hide in odd corners of the internet as I have found out before!

General Discussion / Flashing Orange Battery Light
« on: October 17, 2004, 12:23:52 am »
After I got my Zaurus back from Sharp Repair I noticed that when I place it in its cradle, quite often the orange battery light will start flashing and I have to remove and replace it to stop it doing that. Sometimes I have to do this more than once. It never used to do this. They flashed it with ROM 3.13. The device seems to work fine otherwise. Would this occur if they had subtly damaged the serial connector or could this be a software problem due to the new ROM version?

General Discussion / Expensive to repair corrupt ROM!
« on: September 27, 2004, 08:36:55 pm »
In February I posted that my Zaurus 5500 wouldn't turn on and after trying every known trick to ressurect it, I decided it was dead. I was flashing the rom at the time and even though I have flashed many times and am very careful with this procedure, eventually the laws of statistics catch up with you, and I managed to get a corrupt rom somehow.  I phoned Sharp who said it would be $50 just to look at it with a $10 charge for shipping back on top. They then said that if repair was needed then that $50 would become part of the repair cost. I asked how much it would cost if it was just a corrupt ROM but they always were very vague basically saying they might not charge any extra on top of the $60, but I could never pin them down to a cost. I mean I understand if it there is something wrong with it that you don't know, but I couldn't believe they'd couldn't give me this particular cost.

Well as money was tight that month I decided to put it in it's box until I could afford to send it. Well you know how things happen, one thing after another and soon a few months went by. I finally decided once and for all to send it at the beginning of this month and got it back today. Final bill was a whopping $108.26 just to reflash a corrupt ROM! I now know why they were vague. I know repairs are not cheap but that is one hell of a labor charge since there were no parts replaced!

I have to admit that they have you in a catch-22 situation ie I had already spent the $60 so when they said it was another $48.26 i couldn't very well say no since it would be a waste of $60 and a useless PDA.  I like my Zaurus a lot, but that amount could have nearly bought me another new PDA. If it ever needs fixing again, there won't be a next time that's for sure!

Well you live and you learn.


I was wondering if anyone could help me get my Ericsson R520m cellphone working with the open zaurus rom (version 3.2) using infrared? I upgraded from the sharp rom (version 2.38) with which it works perfectly. I had originally tried the newer Sharp roms but sadly it seems even with the latest 3.13 version it still doesn\'t work.

I had a play with the sample Nokia script on the openzaurus website and sure enough it does connect through my Ericsson. The only problem seems to be that I cannot seem to do anything with it ie go to web pages etc so I guess I am missing something somewhere?

If someone has got this phone or the similar Ericssons (ie T39 etc) working with openzaurus I\'d be grateful if they could show me their scripts!

With the Sharp rom I just used the GUI applet so this is the first time I am playing with ppp scripts.

Thanks for any help in advance,


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